
For more A.F. Branco cartoons, go to WesternJournal.com/cartoons.

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Are the UN and Globalist Banks Secretly Collaborating to Control the US Farming Industry? - What You Need to Know

It's not just a rumor. Elite banks are banding together and trying to control the farming industry. They'll do, too, if they aren't stopped.
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Democrats and NY Times Now Target SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas Over Personal Trips

Castigating a judge for actions that were permissible under the rules at the time makes it look politically motivated.
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Are the UN and Globalist Banks Secretly Collaborating to Control the US Farming Industry? - What You Need to Know

It's not just a rumor. Elite banks are banding together and trying to control the farming industry. They'll do, too, if they aren't stopped.
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