
9-Year-Old Boy Responds After Crazed Woman Accuses Him of Sexual Assault


A 9-year-old boy who was falsely accused of sexual assault does not have kind words for his crazy accuser.

Late last week, Teresa Klein caused a scene outside of a Brooklyn Deli Market by claiming 9-year-old Jeremiah Harvey grabbed her.

In cellphone video of the incident posted on Facebook, Klein can be seen talking into her cellphone, apparently with a 911 dispatcher.

“I want the cops here right now!” Klein screamed with a phone to her ear. “The son grabbed my a–!”

“I’ve just been sexually assaulted by a child!”

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Later in the video, the woman gives what she claims to be her address to the 911 operator before claiming to bystanders that she is a law enforcement officer.

WARNING: The video below contains language and some adult content that some viewers may find offensive.

The woman also referenced the security cameras, but security footage seemed to vindicate the young Harvey.

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“I was standing at the counter, I was sexually assaulted,” Klein said in an interview with WPIX.

However, the released security footage clearly shows the boy walking by with a bag in his hand.

Klein later claimed not to have said, “I’m a cop,” though she’s clearly caught on video saying those very words. She even accused the boy’s mother of saying those words — another accusation that seems not only false, but outrageously, demonstrably so.

Moreover, NYPD told WPIX that no 911 call on the date in question was received, calling into question whether Klein was even on the phone with an actual person during the video.

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For his part, Harvey did not have kind words for the crazy lady.

“Do you forgive this woman?” he was asked.

“I don’t forgive this woman at all,” Harvey said while shaking his head. “She needs help.”

I think many people would struggle to forgive someone who had falsely accused them of sexual assault. Being accused of such a thing can be enough to ruin someone’s life, but it must be especially traumatizing for a 9-year-old boy to receive an unwarranted accusation like that.

“I think she was crazy. I think she had something going on with her,” Harvey said.

That seems likely. The security footage clearly revealed nothing happened. There’s a good chance that either the woman wanted attention for being a “victim,” or she has a mental illness.

The woman did eventually apologize, according to WABC, but the boy obviously didn’t want to forgive the woman for her heinous claims — at least not yet.

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Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a background in history, education and philosophy. He has led multiple conservative groups and is dedicated to the principles of free speech, privacy and peace.
Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a passion for free speech, privacy and peace. He graduated from the College of Wooster with a B.A. in History. While at Wooster, he served as the Treasurer for the Wooster Conservatives and the Vice President for the Young Americans for Liberty.
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