Lifestyle & Human Interest

Heartwarming Moment Homeless Man Is Reunited with His Pet Rat


After nearly two weeks of waiting and hoping, a homeless man in Sydney, Australia, had a sweet reunion with his treasured pet rat, Lucy.

Chris, Lucy’s owner, had gone across the road to use the restroom, leaving his street-smart friend on her own for just a few minutes. However, when he returned, Lucy was nowhere to be found.

Lucy disappeared on April 6 when she was picked up by a person who mistakenly believed she was abandoned.

Chris quickly reported his pet stolen and put up signs asking the community to help find her.

The Daily Mail reported that Chris had no wish to file charges against the alleged rat-thief, but simply wanted his friend back.


Chris and Lucy have become a staple of Sydney’s business district, and local passersby will often stop to chat with Chris and give Lucy a pet or two. The well-known duo had no trouble finding support, as people flocked to social media in order to help facilitate Lucy’s safe return.

On April 18, Sydney City Police located Lucy and brought her back to her owner. Lucy had not been stolen, but simply rescued by a well-meaning person who believed she needed help. The stranger had cared for the pet until the police brought her back to Chris.

In a video released by NSW Police, the two shared a heartwarming reunion.

As an officer approached the 55-year-old man with a cardboard box. Chris said, “Let’s hope it’s the right rat.”

Eager to see whether the rescued rat was really Lucy, Chris lifted her gently from the box and gave her a kiss.

“Yep, that’s her,” he said.

”She remembers me.”

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All the searchers who had shared the story on social media, along with the police, were thrilled to see Chris and Lucy together again.

Chris thanked the officers for their hard work, saying, “Thank you. Thanks; Sorry to put you all through the trouble of looking for her.”

When asked how it feels to have Lucy back, he replied, “It feels wonderful. Thank you so much, everybody.”

The sweet story has warmed hearts across the local community and now beyond.

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Laura Stewart was an associate story editor and news and lifestyle contributor for The Western Journal.
Laura Stewart was an associate story editor and news and lifestyle contributor for The Western Journal.
Phoenix, AZ
