
James Woods Calls Kennedy and Pelosi "Political Roadkill" in Epic Post-SOTU Tweet


A petty attempt by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to slam President Donald Trump for his otherwise very well-received State of the Union address this week failed epically after conservative actor James Woods fired back with one of the most brutal replies in recent Twitter history.

“@realDonaldTrump may have painfully tried to deceive the American people into thinking he’s not an unstable person, but no one’s falling for it,” Pelosi tweeted early Wednesday morning, a couple hours after Trump delivered the speech.

“Rep. Joe Kennedy, on the other hand, embodied our values as a country and exemplified the optimism that Americans are seeking,” she added, referencing the widely ridiculed Democrat rebuttal delivered after the SOTU.


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Just to be clear, a CBS News poll showed that a 97 percent majority of Republicans, 72 percent majority of Independents and a stunning 43 percent of Democrats approved of the president’s speech. Not Pelosi, though, who spent much of the speech making odd facial gestures that made it look as if she was munching on her dentures.

Conversely, the small number of Americans who tuned in for Kennedy’s rebuttal were too distracted by what People magazine described as “the Massachusetts representative’s shiny lips” to pay much heed to the nonsense he was spouting.

According to WBZ, the official story is that Kennedy had put on too much ChapStick.

Considering the way the mainstream media still fawns over all things Kennedy, that story isn’t likely to be questioned too closely. But James Woods had a different take.

Do Democrats hate America?

Now, cue his brutal reply:

Ouch. He somewhat nailed it, though. I say only “somewhat” because, truthfully speaking, Trump rolled over the entire Democrat Party that night by demonstrating how much contemporary Democrats hate America.

In an op-ed Wednesday for The Daily Wire, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro explained it:

“They grimaced. They groaned. They booed and hissed,” he wrote, describing the Democrats’ behavior during the SOTU. “And it wasn’t just that they disapproved of Trump on policy. It’s that they refused to stand for things they supposedly believe in because they hate Trump so much. Paid family leave? They sat. Infrastructure spending? They sat. Amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants? They sat.

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“And then they sat some more. They sat when Trump touted the American flag. They sat when Trump touted American freedom. They sat when Trump touted low black unemployment rates. They sat when Trump cheered American opportunity.”

Shapiro believes they sat because they hate Trump more than they love America, but I contend they sat because they hate America, period. They hate American freedoms and liberties; they hate the American culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and success; and they most certainly hate American history.

And by putting their hatred of America on full display Tuesday night, the Democrats may have just turned themselves into “political roadkill” for real.

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