
After Dems Betray Americans at SOTU, Majority Shifts to Support Trump's Immigration Plan


For months Democrats have gleefully touted polls showing that a majority of Americans oppose President Donald Trump’s proposed southern border wall.

That joy likely disappeared Tuesday evening when, following the president’s State of the Union address, CBS News published a poll revealing that a majority of Americans support the president’s wall.

“Do you favor or oppose building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?” asked the specific poll question, which was reportedly given prior to the SOTU address.

A 59 percent majority chose “Favor,” while a 41 percent minority selected “Oppose.”

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While more polls need to be conducted to corroborate these stunning results, these numbers should nevertheless strike horror into the hearts of Democrat politicians, particularly those who behaved like spoiled children as Trump spoke Tuesday.

Poll questions asked after the SOTU address found that a 97 percent majority of Republicans, 72 percent of Independents and even 43 percent of Democrats approved of the president’s speech, which is telling given that Trump specifically mentioned the wall during it.

“The second pillar fully secures the border. That means building a wall on the Southern border,” he said, referencing the second pillar of his immigration plan, according to a transcript from Time magazine.

He also described his plan to implement “a merit-based immigration system … that admits people who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country,” and end chain migration.

Is the increase in support the result of Trump's SOTU address?

Speaking of which, CBS’ poll also showed that an astonishing 72 percent majority of Americans favor the immigration proposal Trump outlined Tuesday.

Keep in mind that, according to a Harvard-Harris poll conducted weeks before the president’s SOTU address, at the time only a 47 percent of Americans approved of the job Trump was doing on immigration, as reported in mid-January by The Washington Free Beacon.

The astonishing change in sentiment since then suggests Trump’s generally well-received SOTU address performed even better than expected.

But I also wonder whether the Democrats’ behavior during the president’s address played a role in this dramatic change in attitude as well.

As a reminder, Democrat lawmakers spent most of the speech groaning, booing, hissing and playing with their phones, even as the president celebrated America’s record-low black unemployment rate and other recent accomplishments.

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Democrats made it clear Tuesday that they hate Trump more than they love America — assuming, of course, they even love America at all.

And maybe I’m wrong, but I got a feeling this hatred is going to cost them “bigly” come the 2018 midterm elections. But we shall see.

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