
Mnuchin: 'The President Is Determined... To Protect the American People'


President Donald Trump is under attack from the left for his recent foreign policy choices… but one cabinet member just explained exactly why the president is making those decisions.

Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin may know more about dollars than diplomacy, but he has significant experience in deal-making — a skill he shares with Trump.

During an appearance on Fox News, Mnuchin was asked about the president’s strategy of using economic sanctions against Iran, and had harsh words for anti-Trump critics.

“The president is determined to make sure Americans are safe,” the secretary told Fox’s Bret Baier.

“If the president listened to all the ‘professionals,’ he wouldn’t have been tough on North Korea. We put very strong sanctions on North Korea, our maximum pressure campaign is a major reason why they are negotiating,” he continued.

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He has a strong point: Trump was lambasted by the media, the left, and countless foreign policy experts for his tough talk against Kim Jong Un, with many people hysterically wringing their hands about the president triggering a nuclear war.

Instead, the opposite appears to be happening: The North Korean leader seems to have caved, and entered South Korea for the first time in history on a diplomatic mission of disarmament.

This week, the new U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Kim and is returning with three American citizens who were being held captive by the regime.

It turns out that Trump might actually know what he’s doing, whether in North Korea or Iran.

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“Six months ago, people said that the president was being too tough on North Korea, now (Kim’s) sitting down and he’s willing to negotiate,” Mnuchin explained.

“So the president is determined, whether it’s North Korea or Iran, to protect the American people. And the previous deal did not protect the American people.”

The treasury secretary took a bit of a jab at previous administrations for failing to solve international problems in Korea and Iran when they had the chance.

“It would have been easy for him to kick this down the road the way people did with North Korea,” he said. “The president’s not willing to do that.”

The Trump candidacy and presidency so far has been a story of the left mocking and dismissing him, only to be silenced when he actually wins. They gave him a three percent chance of winning the White House, all but calling the race over. Then he won.

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They pointed at his harsh words on North Korea, attacked him for warning about “fire and fury,” and acted as if we were on the brink of World War III. Then North Korea caved, or certainly seems to be.

Mnuchin is right: The evidence shows that we should actually listen to Trump, and stop giving naysayers and professionally-wrong “experts” a platform. America may just be surprised at the results.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
