
Kellyanne's Nails It with Hilarious Response to Bill Kristol's Potential Presidential Run


Kellyanne Conway has a reputation for staying cool under pressure, always seeming to have the right answer even when facing hostile interviewers.

The White House adviser was extra-relaxed on Friday, while chatting with fellow conservative commentator Eric Bolling. The quick-witted Conway used the interview with the former Fox News journalist to slip in a hilarious zinger — but it wasn’t about Donald Trump.

Instead, it was directed at a man who wants to challenge him for the Oval Office.

In a video released by Bolling’s new employer, CRTV, the reporter mentioned to Conway that “Never Trumper” Bill Kristol may run in 2020 in a desperate attempt to be elected president.

“Of this country?” Conway quipped, with comedic timing that would make Groucho Marx proud.

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“Of this country,” Bolling confirmed, laughing.

Kristol, best known as the editor of The Weekly Standard and his frequent television appearances as a political analyst, has strongly opposed Donald Trump since Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency.

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Despite her incredulous response, Conway then answered the question seriously.

“Well, it’s a free country. I guess if you’re 35 and meet the other criterion, then you can,” she stated.

“I will tell you that everybody thinks it’s so easy to do that — that they can somehow catch lightning in a bottle the way Donald Trump did,” Conway continued.

“You would have to have this relationship with the people, and a message that resonates with them,” she said, strongly implying that Kristol would never be able to do this.

The closest the balding 65-year-old whiner — sorry, commentator — has ever got to public office was serving as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle almost three decades ago. Those old enough to recall Quayle’s service in President George H.W. Bush’s White House  probably remember that Quayle did not exactly light the political world on fire.

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Besides that less-than-stellar claim to fame, Kristol has taken some very dubious political stances. He previously refused to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, and bizarrely voiced disapproval for companies giving bonuses to workers as a result of the GOP tax cuts.

Last year, he claimed that a U.S. president putting America first was “depressing and vulgar.”

Exactly which country he thinks the American president is supposed to put first remains a mystery.

If Bill Kristol, a man who evokes responses of “who?” from most of the American public, is really the establishment’s best chance at defeating an incumbent president, it’s safe to say Trump has four more years in the bag. Good luck with that, Billy.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.
