
Watch: 7 Clips of Omarosa Praising Trump that the Media Won't Show


Former villainous star of “The Apprentice,” Trump campaign adviser and fired White House official Omarosa Manigault-Newman has been promoting a new book titled “Unhinged” in media appearances this past week.

In her new book, the former employee and protege of businessman-turned-President Donald Trump slammed her former boss and mentor with a slew of unverified accusations that allege Trump is an idiot, unfit to be president, and — of course –an unrepentant racist who may have used the “N-word” in a secret recording many years ago.

While Manigault-Newman worked with and was supportive of the Trump campaign and White House, she was veritably despised by the liberal media, but now that she has been fired and transformed into a harsh critic of Trump, the media is only too happy to highlight her sharp critiques and evidence-free assertions.

But the Republican National Committee just reminded all of the short-memoried media members praising Manigault-Newman about what she has said about Trump in the not-so-distant past, and it is starkly different from what she is saying now.

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Indeed, the RNC compiled no less than seven different clips of Manigault-Newman issuing high praise and support for Trump while she was working on his behalf.

“I was so happy when Donald Trump declared that he was going to run,” she stated in an interview with C-SPAN from the White House.

“You all know him as the president, I know him as a friend, I know his heart,” she declared in an appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

“Donald Trump is a trailblazer on women’s issues,” said Manigault-Newman in an appearance on MSNBC.

Do you agree that Omarosa Manigault-Newman has zero credibility now?

Speaking to MSNBC’s Greta Van Susteren, Manigault-Newman explained, “Not only do I support him as a human being who has incredible character and great vision, but his policies affect my community where I live in Los Angeles, and that’s really why I stand by him.”

“I believe that you will see that this president is going to be incredible for this country, and I am excited about what is happening with this administration and very honored to be a part of it,” she told the ladies of “The View.”

“He was the right choice for America,” she stated in the C-SPAN interview.

The final clip showed Manigault-Newman at a Trump rally in October 2016 where, joined by Lara Trump and super Trump fans Diamond and Silk, she led the crowd in a back-and-forth chant of “Trump Train, choo-choo” with great exuberance.

As the video ended, it simply stated in bold words, “Guess she forgot about these tapes,” in reference to all of the secret recordings Manigault-Newman has been releasing in the media over the past several days.

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While it has long been known that Manigault-Newman has no qualms about lying or saying whatever needs to be said to achieve success at any given time, it is unclear if her statements now or during the years she worked with Trump are her true thoughts and feelings or not.

Regardless, she has said enough both for and against Trump at various times that she has virtually no credibility left, and any media member or outlet that continues to take her contradictory and debunked claims seriously is doing nothing more than making themselves a laughingstock.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
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