
Communist Student Who Attacked Republicans with Chocolate Milk Gets Arrested


A Florida State University student who became an internet sensation in all the wrong ways this week — particularly for trying to claim that the Nazis weren’t socialist even though the word socialist is in their party name — is now under arrest for her actions in the video.

And no, it’s not for defending socialism; in spite of the best efforts of the American left, the First Amendment is still alive, well and operative. Throwing chocolate milk on people you disagree with generally isn’t covered under free speech, however, and given that she allegedly did that, she’s going to be given an introduction to the legal system in the Sunshine State.

“A Florida State University student was arrested and charged with battery after a profanity-laden outburst at a College Republicans display was captured on camera,” WJXT-TV reported Friday.

“The video, viewed nearly 30,000 times, shows 19-year-old FSU student Shelby Shoup throwing chocolate milk, hitting students and kicking campaign signs at a College Republicans booth.”

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The video shows a woman, allegedly Shoup, berating members of the FSU College Republicans.

“You are supporting Nazis, you understand that?” she can be heard saying at the beginning of the video.

When one of the Republicans pointed at what appeared to be a Soviet hammer-and-sickle pin on her jacket and asked if she’s supporting communism, she responded, “Yeah, I f—ing am.”

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“Don’t pour your coffee on me,” one of the men in the video said.

“F— you, I will,” she responded angrily, before throwing her drink (apparently just milk) on him. “F— all of you.”

The woman then proceeded to engage in a rambling diatribe about how the College Republicans were responsible for the mass shooting of 11 Jewish individuals inside a Pittsburgh synagogue, among other things.

“Do you understand that fascism is here?” she said. “Do you understand that f—ing Nazis are here?”

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“I hope you realize you are normalizing and enabling Nazis,” she added later in the video. “Eleven of my people are f—ing dead this weekend. Two black people are dead in Kentucky. These are f—ing nationalist murderers.”

Hunter Pollack — a member of the FSU College Republicans and the brother of Parkland shooting victim Meadow Pollack — was one of the people who shared the video online.

“She doesn’t even know what fascism and Nazis are,” Pollack, who is Jewish, told WJXT.

“I want to spread love,” he said. “We can’t be throwing chocolate at each other on campus. That’s unacceptable.”

Local Jewish leaders also condemned the attack.

“You should not be condemning that other person as being completely indecent, because if you take the time to listen to their narrative, you will start to understand why they believe what they believe,” Tallahassee Rabbi Jack Romberg said.

Shoup was arrested two days after the video was shared online. She has a relatively long history of liberal activism, from volunteering for Florida gubernatorial candidate and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum to organizing events for the “abolish ICE” movement, according to the Tallahassee Democrat.

“We need to tear the whole system down,” Shoup said at a June rally. “Abolishing ICE is our minimum demand.”

Unfortunately for her, it seems, she wasn’t able to get around to tearing that whole system down before the system came for her.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture
