
Jersey City Official Who Criticized Jews After Anti-Semitic Shooting Faces Calls To Resign


State and local officials are demanding the resignation of a Jersey City school board member who lashed out at the city’s Jewish community after a Dec. 10 shooting at a kosher supermarket.

A police officer and three other people were killed after alleged shooters David Anderson and Francine Graham opened fire — first at a cemetery and later at the JC Kosher Supermarket.

Both shooters were black. Officials have said the attack was sparked by anti-Semitism.

The since-removed Facebook post of Joan Terrell Paige, who is black, was preserved in screenshots, according to Fox News.

WARNING: The following images contain anti-Semitic comments that some readers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. 

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“Where was all this faith and hope when Black homeowners were threatened, intimidated, and harassed by I WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE brutes of the jewish community?” Terrell Paige wrote. “They brazenly came on the property of Ward F black homeowners and waved bags of money.”

Terrell Paige, who claimed in the post she was speaking for herself and not as a member of the Jersey City Board of Education, said black  homeowners in the area were “threatened, intimidated, and harassed” by Jewish newcomers who she said vowed to “BRING DRUG DEALERS AND PROSTITUTES TO LIVE NEXT DOOR TO YOU” if homeowners wouldn’t sell their houses.

In the post, she said the shooting was planned as a political statement.

“Mr. Anderson and Ms. Graham went directly to the kosher supermarket,” she wrote. “I believe they knew they would come out in body bags.

Do you believe Terrell Paige's comments were anti-Semitic?

“What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message? Are we brave enough to stop the assault on the Black communities of America?” she added.

“My people deserve respect and to live in peace in this city.”

Outrage flowed from Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who called on Terrell Paige to resign and labeled her comments “ignorance.”

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Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy also called upon Terrell Paige to step down.

“We will not let anti-Semitism and hate go unchallenged in our communities,” he said.

They were not alone in taking to social media to vent their anger at the comments.

Board of Education President Sudhan Thomas said Terrell Paige does not reflect the views of the school board.

“There is no room for any kind of hate or bigotry in Jersey City,” Thomas said in a statement.

But Terrell-Paige refused to apologize, according to Politico.

Asked if she regretted her comments, she told Politico, “No, I don’t.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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