
Rush: Dems Can't Fill Impeachment Gallery, But Trump Gets 100,000 in 30-Degree Weather in NJ


The momentum for President Donald Trump in 2020 may be even greater than it was when he rolled to victory in 2016.

And for Democrats, the energy seems to be in the dumps as they cannot even fill the Senate gallery for the impeachment hearings.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh pointed out the disparity in enthusiasm on his show this week after the president’s massive rally in New Jersey.

“Well, let me give you the numbers out of New Jersey,” the host said in response to a caller’s question about attendance at the Wildwood rally.

“These numbers, by the way, come from Brad Parscale, who is the Trump campaign manager. At every rally they go in and thoroughly focus group … Well, they don’t focus group. They find out who’s there and ask them various questions, and here’s what Parscale released last night: There were 158,632 requested tickets, 92,841 sign-ups. Meaning some people asked for two tickets,” he said.

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“There were 92,000, almost 93,000 people wanted to go to this thing. Well, no, 160,000 wanted to go and 92,000 signed up. Of the people that showed up, 73,482 voters were identified.”

“Meaning 73,000 people there were registered to vote. Of that 73,000, 10.4 percent did not vote 2016, 26.3 percent of the 158,000 who requested tickets — a little over one-fourth of the requested tickets — were Democrats,” the host continued.

Do you think enthusiasm for Trump will help him get re-elected?

“That is amazing data: 10.4 percent didn’t vote. The fact that they show up at the rally indicates they’re energized, they’re gonna vote — and a quarter of them were Democrats in New Jersey,” Limbaugh went on.

The host indicated that there were around 100,000 people who came to the rally and were left out in the frigid New Jersey weather.

“Of the people who were voters that showed up, well over 30 percent of them were Democrats. … How many Democrats that hate Trump do you know who are gonna show up and stand outside in the cold just ’cause he comes to town?” he said.

This is a fantastic point. The president flipped Pennsylvania, New Jersey’s neighbor, from blue to red and the same thing could be happening in the Garden State.

The state has been voting for Democrats for president for decades, but prior to that, it had a history of voting for the GOP nominee.

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In Washington, D.C., meanwhile, enthusiasm for the Democrats and their impeachment effort is at a low.

The Senate at one point had 36 empty chairs in the gallery during the impeachment trial, with Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Ben Sasse of Nebraska missing for a time, according to NBC News.

“In the Senate trial of Donald Trump half of the spectator seats were empty. … Half the seats were empty when the House Managers — the Democrats — presented their case,” Limbaugh said. “The contrast here of swamp Washington and the rest of the world, even New Jersey, is jarring.”

And if you watch any Democratic rally on television, you will notice they are having trouble filling small coffee shops, too.

The energy appears to be all on the side of Trump, a rock-star-like figure in American politics. And that will be tough to defeat.

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Carmine Sabia is a political pundit, editor and writer and has been featured on various television and radio programs. He is a former professional wrestling promoter and real estate investor.
Carmine Sabia is a political pundit, editor and writer and has been featured on various television and radio programs. He is a former professional wrestling promoter and real estate investor.
