
The Biden 'We Can Only Re-Elect Donald Trump' Video Is a Bad Problem for Biden & Trump


In defense of former Vice President Joe Biden, not all gaffes are created equal.

A viral video that purports to show Biden endorsing President Donald Trump during a botched statement at a campaign event over the weekend is misleading, according to social media giants Facebook and Twitter.

CNBC reported Facebook is labeling the video as containing “partly false information” while Twitter is also warning users that the video is misleading.

To my own chagrin, I admit that the left-wing, Silicon Valley-based tech behemoths are correct.

Biden was speaking Saturday in St. Louis when he appeared to endorse Trump.

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In a video circulating all across social media, Biden said, “Because we cannot get — re-elect — we cannot win this re-election — excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump.”

The video of course went viral and helped feed a genuine sentiment among many Republicans and some Democrats that Biden’s mental acuity is slipping.

What Biden actually said is, “If you want a nominee who will bring this party together, who will run a progressive, positive campaign, and turn, turn this primary from a campaign that’s about negative attacks into one about what we’re for — because we cannot get — re-elect — we cannot win this re-election — excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump — if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It’s gotta be a positive campaign, so join us.”

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At its core, the video shows that the former vice president can be a bumbling mess who often grapples with rudimentary language and sentences.

But he clearly did not endorse his Republican rival.

Trump was among those who shared Biden’s flub, and why not? Democrats and the establishment media pounce on his every word — often twisting things the president says in an attempt to manipulate the electorate against him.

But conservatives should be cautioned that by sharing and spreading inaccurate information, there is a risk of giving Democrats a position of moral authority on the issue of Biden’s cognitive health.

When I first viewed the shocking, out-of-context video Saturday on my Twitter timeline, I immediately sent it to a number of friends.

“Did Biden really just say ‘We can only re-elect Donald Trump?’” I asked them.

But Biden did not endorse the president, which is asserted in the short clip. The 77-year-old merely fouled up his delivery of a statement, as he often does.

If conservatives go around spreading unverified information — even by accident — arguments that Biden’s cognitive abilities are slipping could become diluted.

Consequently, Biden’s defenders could use this as an example to discredit all future arguments that the presidential hopeful might not be mentally fit for the White House.

Trump and his supporters should approach moments such as this with caution.

While the gaffe machine has given and likely will continue to give conservatives plenty of ammo to work with in regard to his verbal blunders, Biden’s debunked endorsement gaffe should remind us that with so much at stake, we shouldn’t jump to share unverified news about Biden’s apparent mental decline when there is so much evidence that he is, in fact, slipping.

Case in point: Later in the same speech in Missouri, Biden referred to himself as an “O’Biden Bama” Democrat, Fox reported.

As Democratic strategist Justin Horwitz told Fox News last week, “[Biden] can’t get on stage without making some type of gaffe, and these aren’t the same gaffes that he made in his previous two failed presidential runs.”

“These gaffes are a lot more serious. These gaffes clearly indicate that he is not all there anymore,” Horwitz added.

“[Democrats are] trying to protect him from being in public. Well, unfortunately, when you run for president, you’re going to be in public. People are going to see what’s happening.”

If the former vice president is indeed unfit to serve as commander in chief, that fact will reveal itself. Biden doesn’t need any help from conservatives.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
