
Damning New Video Shows Biden Threatened Auto Worker After Cursing Him Out


It’s time for the Democrats and the establishment media to finally hold former Vice President Joe Biden to the same standards it does Republicans — especially President Donald Trump.

The macho former senator and vice president not only threatened to take a man “outside” in Michigan — presumably for a fistfight over a disagreement about the Second Amendment — but he also shushed a female staffer in demeaning fashion while doing so.

Biden was involved in a heated confrontation Tuesday with a Michigan auto-plant worker who was expressing his concerns about the former VP’s gun-grabbing proposals.

Video of the confrontation showed the man expressing his concerns about Biden tapping failed Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke to lead his charge on gun control if he is elected president.

During the testy exchange, the Michigan man asked Biden how he expects to garner support from union workers who own guns — while simultaneously appointing gun-grabbing O’Rourke to lead his efforts on gun control.

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Biden declared his full support for gun rights before telling the man, “You’re full of s—.”

Biden then went on to bungle the name of the weapon he and O’Rourke so passionately want to outlaw, telling the man that nobody is going to take his “AR-14” away.

“You’re working for me, man,” the worker said, according to CBS.

“I’m not working for — gimme a break, man. Don’t be such a horse’s a—,” Biden responded.

That moment seemed to be just another page of Biden’s book on campaign missteps and gaffes.

But a new angle of the confrontation more clearly shows the former vice president’s words and actions, including how he condescendingly told a female staffer to quiet down during the exchange.

In addition to calling the man a “horse’s a–,” Biden aggressively stuck his finger in the worker’s face. The worker reminded Biden, who has had trouble with the boundaries and personal space in the past, that he was not comfortable with that move.

Biden became visibly upset after being called out, and said, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with you, man.”

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This behavior is unbecoming of a man running for president.

Threatening another person could get an average American fired from a job or potentially jailed. Children who behave this way are often harshly disciplined.

This is the kind of behavior that would lead establishment media news broadcasts for days, had a Republican done or said the same things.

But the testy exchange was either scantly covered by the establishment press, or rationalized as an example of how passionate the 77-year-old is about the issues.

As The Media Research Center reported, NBC News edited the most tense moment of the exchange, including Biden’s “outside” threat, completely out of its Tuesday coverage of the tense moment.

ABC News covered the exchange, but omitted any mention Biden’s call to go “outside” and reminded its audience, “Biden was greeted warmly by most of the workers at the new Fiat-Chrysler assembly plant.”

Is Joe Biden being held to a different standard than President Trump?

When reporting that Biden called the man Michigan man a “horse’s a—” for suggesting politicians work for the people, CNN went as far as to claim the confrontation “is probably a good thing” for Biden.

“Given [that people are fearful of gun confiscation], it’s hard to see how Biden getting in a shouting match with a guy saying that Biden wants to take away peoples’ guns (fact check: not true) and using a few expletives to make his point is a negative (if it has any impact at all) for him,” CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote.

CBS News covered the exchange, but neglected to call out Biden’s blatant sexism (according to the standards of the left) for shushing a woman and characterized the entire dustup as a “remarkably candid exchange.”

Biden, who has previously fantasized about his desire to physically assault Trump, is not being held to the same standards as Republicans.

This is the same media that complains when the president uses colorful language from time to time.

According to liberal publication The Week, Trump is guilty of being “the first president to make C-SPAN unsuitable viewing for children.”

When is the establishment media going to hold Biden accountable for not only his language and sexism but also his penchant for going off the rails and physically threatening people?

When will Democrats fully disavow Biden’s over-the-top behavior?

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
