
In Painful Interview, Biden Comms Director Won't Answer Whether He's Fit for Office


Kate Bedingfield, the communications director for former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, says that questions about his cognitive health are “ridiculous.”

The questions are apparently so ridiculous that despite mounting evidence and accusations that Biden’s mental state might be in decline, Bedingfield refuses to even answer them.

Move along, nothing to see here. All is well.

Bedingfield joined Fox News hosts Ed Henry and Sandra Smith on Wednesday, when she declared that anyone questioning Biden’s mental acuity is guilty of peddling in a “conspiracy theory.”

The Biden aide, who serves as the former vice president’s deputy campaign manager, became combative when Henry asked her about Biden’s many recent gaffes while campaigning.

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Henry wanted to know, in particular, about Biden misspeaking Saturday in Missouri, when he uttered the words, “Because we cannot get — re-elect — we cannot win this re-election — excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump.”

The “We can only re-elect Donald Trump” quote was immediately seized upon by the Trump campaign, and even President Donald Trump shared it on his Twitter page:

Do you think Joe Biden might be suffering from a serious cognitive issue?

After noting that “the Trump campaign is pushing these videos out there,” Henry told Bedingfield, “They’re asking a basic question: Is Joe Biden fit to be commander in chief?”

“How do you answer that?” Henry asked.

As opposed to answering Henry’s inquiry with a rational response, Bedingfield lashed out and attacked his question.

“I have to say this is a disgusting smear tactic and this kind of thing is exactly why people want Joe Biden to be president,” she said.

She then labeled questions about the 77-year-old’s fitness for office as nothing more than “conspiracy theory.”

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“How is it a smear tactic to ask you about a video where the vice president, in his own words, struggles to complete a sentence? How is that a smear tactic?” Henry pressed.

Bedingfield then deflected, because, how can you defend the indefensible?

“Ed, respectfully, how many times have you struggled to complete a sentence on air? That’s ridiculous,” she said. “Let’s roll the tape.”

Henry then reminded her, “I’m not running for president.”

“If I’m Donald Trump and I saw Joe Biden last night giving the speech that he gave — sounding presidential, looking like a leader — if I’m looking at the turnout that he’s generating across the country, I’m scared, too,” she said. “And I’m starting to throw this kind of nonsense against the wall.”

“Its exactly the kind of thing the American people are sick of, they’re tired of, it’s why they want Joe Biden,” she concluded.

Yes, Kate. Those of us with genuine concerns about Biden’s cognitive state are all scared.

WARNING: The following tweet and video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive. Viewer discretion is advised. 

But those worries are not about Biden’s exemplary leadership and speaking abilities.

On Tuesday, Biden involved himself in a verbal spat with an auto worker while touring a Fiat Chrysler assembly plant in Detroit, Michigan.

After being asked about his gun control policies by the worker, Biden momentarily ceased being a gun-grabbing liberal and declared his support for the Second Amendment.

Not only has the former vice president forgotten what page he’s on, he doesn’t even know what book he’s reading anymore.

Biden promptly forgot the name of the gun he wants to outlaw and then appeared to threaten a hard-working citizen with physical violence by asking him if he wanted to “go outside with me.”

We are afraid, Kate.

We’re afraid because there are days your boss doesn’t seem to know where he is or what he’s doing.

We’re afraid he might take us outside if we disagree with him, and that he just might take away our AR-14s.

Most of all, we’re fearful that he’s elected, his presidency could turn into a bad, living sequel of “Weekend at Bernie’s,” and Robert “Beto” Francis O’Rourke might grab one of his arms and force him to sign legislation taking away our AR-15s, too.

Nothing allays concerns about your boss’s mental state more effectively than deflection and lashing out at those who attempt to question it.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
