
Dems Are Holding the COVID Emergency Relief Bill Hostage for This List of Items - Get Ready To Be Sick


As Americans lose their jobs and a collective anxiety grips the nation amid a global pandemic, Democrats have taken their politicization of the coronavirus to a level that is now endangering American life as we know it.

Americans have either died or are fighting for their lives in all 50 states after becoming infected with the coronavirus. While there are varying opinions as to the severity of the illness itself, its impact is being felt by every American.

Many of the country’s small, vulnerable businesses are shuttered.

Shoppers in grocery store aisles are visibly stirred.

James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, has predicted the U.S. unemployment rate might hit 30 percent by summer due to shutdowns to combat the coronavirus, Bloomberg reported.

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Some of us were fooled into thinking congressional Democrats were capable of prioritizing lives during a crisis. We were wrong.

Introducing the “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act” on Monday afternoon, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took what was a bipartisan effort in the Senate to help desperate workers and small businesses and turned it into a ransom demand that seeks to force the left’s radical agenda on a country in a state of emergency.

It might be the most despicable display of partisanship and abuse of power ever witnessed.

Her 1,119-page bill, which is now at 1,400 pages and counting, includes a liberal wish list of Green New Deal proposals, racial and gender demands for employers, carbon taxes and a suspension of some of the country’s immigration laws, among other absurdities.

Townhall first reported Democrats are demanding:

  • Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards
  • A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service
  • Required early voting
  • Required same-day voter registration
  • Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
  • Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
  • Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
  • Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
  • Federal $15 minimum wage
  • Permanent paid leave
  • Study on climate change mitigation efforts

The bill actually mentions diversity more than 60 times, as Fox New host Tucker Carlson noted in his takedown of the package Monday night.

Breitbart reported Democrats are also demanding payment for up to $10,000 in student loans to borrowers, expanding wind and solar tax credits, funds for Planned Parenthood, extension of nonimmigrant visas and provisions that would prevent colleges and universities from reporting the immigration status of any individual to the federal government.

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Democrats have essentially made it clear that until these demands are met, our vulnerable family members can wait and our jobs and our homes are inconsequential.

It is barbarism. There are not enough adjectives in the English language to describe the political game being played by Democrats.

A number of Senate and House Republicans reacted to the Democrats’ list of demands on Twitter.

The Senate was on the brink of passing bipartisan legislation to lend a hand to Americans in desperate need of a response from their leaders in government during this unprecedented crisis — until Pelosi strolled into Washington and tore it apart.

Do you think Democrats will pay a price for putting politics before the lives of the American people?

The Senate relief package would have thrown a nearly $2-trillion lifeline to small businesses and major corporations alike, and offered $250 billion directly to Americans.

Now, a country in need of economic relief is being held captive to Nancy Pelosi’s demands for a bankrupt liberal utopia that prioritizes racial diversity, newspaper retirement plans, Planned Parenthood and foreign workers and illegal immigrants over Americans who are currently in jeopardy of losing everything.

What a spectacle Democrats have made during such a dark time in American history.

The Democrats never let a crisis go to waste, but holding desperate American families hostage is a new low, even for them.

The far-left wants so badly to destroy President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans that they are willing to play with millions of lives.

We are all little more than collateral damage.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
