
Kelli Ward: Trump's Decisive Actions on COVID Are Protecting the American People


When the coronavirus began to spread to other countries from China in January, President Trump immediately began taking bold, assertive actions to curb the spread of the virus and protect Americans.

From establishing travel bans to working hand in hand with the private sector to ensuring funding so the economy continues to flourish and supplying aid to states to combat this pandemic, the Trump administration has moved quickly to respond to the coronavirus – and as a physician, I know that the decisive action President Trump has taken is protecting the safety, security and health of the American people.

Because the Trump administration instituted a travel ban early on, we were able to get ahead of the coronavirus and significantly decelerate its spread from China to the United States.

The president also sealed our borders in areas where the virus has been spreading in order to put the safety of Americans first.

Meanwhile, Democrats and the media continue to try to politicize President Trump’s decision to ban travel, yet his decision has led other nations to follow our lead – illustrating that the U.S. is leading on the world stage in the fight against the virus.

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In conjunction with the travel ban, the president has assembled a superlative task force led by Vice President Pence that is working constantly with world, federal, state and local officials. The task force continues to inform the American people, as evidenced by their announcement of new guidelines designed to ensure the safety of our communities.

The transparent, whole-of-government approach to mitigate the spread of the virus is unprecedented, comprehensive and aggressive.

Do you think President Trump has done a good job dealing with the coronavirus crisis?

Just last Friday, President Trump declared a national emergency, saying “no resource will be spared” as the federal government continues to work to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

With that emergency declaration, Arizona was given $11.2 million in federal money to help fight the virus and protect the most vulnerable in the state.

Even further, President Trump has worked to remove bureaucratic red tape to expedite Americans’ access to testing – a decisive action that will allow more Americans to be tested and help prevent the spread of the disease as well as provide a blueprint for future administrations.

In addition to working with partners in government, President Trump is also working with the private sector to combat the coronavirus, which allows for a more comprehensive and accelerated effort to tackle its spread.

Leaders of the nation’s largest businesses in the medical, insurance and retail industries are standing with President Trump and offering services that will assist in the defeat of the virus.

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The president has made clear this is not a financial crisis. But to protect from any possible economic burden on the American worker and business, the Trump administration is putting forward a massive stimulus package.

In addition to the stimulus package, President Trump has taken action to protect the economy. This includes tax credits for businesses large and small, flexibility in unemployment programs for impacted workers and the waiving of interest on student loans. The Treasury Department has also been instructed to defer tax payments for certain impacted individuals and businesses.

President Trump’s top priority remains the health, security and safety of the American people.

Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a notorious critic of the president, has agreed that the Trump Administration has been “consistent,” and following a private conversation with President Trump, said, “every single thing he said, they followed through on.”

Regardless of what some Democrats or the media have claimed, President Trump is working diligently to see us through the end of this pandemic.

With Gov. Newsom’s positive words comes a reminder for us all: This is not a time for partisanship or division, but rather a time for every American to work together so we come through this crisis a stronger nation.

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