
Kelli Ward: Biden Finally Leaves His Basement - For a Photo Op


Joe Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, has finally decided he can come out of his basement. The former vice president, who had not left Delaware since mid-March, went to a black church this week to meet with community leaders.

Taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s famous “listening tour” when she carpetbagged her way into a U.S. Senate seat in New York, Biden is emphasizing that he is “listening.”

He even took a knee with a young black American to show his solidarity with protesters, then tweeted out the picture of him kneeling and said, “I will listen, just as I did today.”

Biden was a U.S. senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009, then served as vice president for eight years alongside the first African-American president. Are we to believe he has never met with these Delaware community leaders before?

If so, why not? If he has met with them before, then why is he only starting to listen now?

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The whole exercise lacks credibility, but it’s not surprising to see the agenda-driven media eating it up. It is a way to take the black vote for granted and bury the gaffe-prone Joe Biden of a few days ago.

Biden emerging from his basement like a groundhog (if he sees his shadow, does that signal six more weeks of pandemic?) is done without anyone on his staff saying that the COVID-19 threat has diminished and that it is safe to resume public activities. This was the official reason for his self-imposed isolation, but we are not being told what has suddenly changed.

Recent media reports indicate that Biden campaign staff are donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a nonprofit that opposes bail and has pledged to bail out protesters.

Hollywood celebrities are also jumping on the Minnesota Freedom Fund donation bandwagon, a sure sign that this is now the virtue-signaling action of the moment.

Do you think Biden's photo op was an attempt to pander to African-American voters?

There is an old maxim that goes like this: Whatever you tax you get less of; whatever you subsidize you get more of. Since no one has explained how the fund is differentiating between peaceful protesters and violent rampaging looters, it appears they are potentially subsidizing violence, which means America is likely to get more of it.

More than a dozen pharmacies were vandalized, looted or set on fire in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Now, these neighborhoods do not have a way for residents, including those in black neighborhoods, to get medicine. Will the Minnesota Freedom Fund be bailing out the criminals who were arrested for forcing these pharmacies to close? So much for “health care for all.”

California Sen. Kamala Harris, who many see as the front-runner to become Biden’s running mate in light of the current environment, has also decided to get in on the action. On Monday, she tweeted a link to the fund’s donation site.

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It is amazing that Harris, a former prosecutor who has her own history of covering up misconduct by prosecutors and law enforcement, thinks that her past can all be swept under the rug with a single tweet.

Hopefully, the American people will see through these opportunistic, disingenuous actions on Election Day.

That would be the best outcome from Joe Biden taking a knee — that is unless his fallback plan is to get a sneaker endorsement deal after he loses.

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