
City Manager Fired by Mayor After Saying Cop in Daunte Wright Shooting Deserves Due Process


The United States Constitution is dead and buried in urban Minnesota, as those who have ceded power to leftists in the Democratic stronghold of Minneapolis and its suburbs are at this point simply allowing those they elected to argue about which remnants of our country’s founding document they want selectively recognized.

The 14th Amendment states quite clearly in Section 1: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Due process is who we are. It is deeply embedded in a society that once attempted to balance the fair application of laws while valuing individual liberty for the accused. Those days are long gone in the Gopher State and in too many other urban war zones.

In the Minneapolis metropolitan area, the texts in the 14th Amendment are simply inconvenient words.

Proof: the city manager of Brooklyn Center was fired from his job Monday after earnestly calling for due process in the apparent accidental shooting death of 20-year-old Daunte Wright during a heated Sunday traffic stop in which police say an officer pulled and fired a gun by accident, leaving Wright dead.

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Before the facts of the case were close to fully known on Monday, Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey was sacked from his job for the leftist thought crime of asking others to wait for the facts about Wright’s death. Presumably, that was to ensure actual justice, and not mob rule, prevailed.

What did Boganey, who is himself a black man, say? Something that once would not have been controversial.

“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline,” Boganey said when addressing reporters. “[The officer who shot Wright] will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

Do you think cops in situations like this deserve due process?

Boganey, who was in command of the city’s police department, declined to get into specifics about whether he wanted that cop fired hours after the shooting death of Wright, which from police accounts as of Tuesday, was accidental. Police have said the officer attempted to grab a taser but accidentally shot her firearm at Wright, the Star Tribune reported.

“If I were to answer that question, I’d be contradicting what I said a moment ago — which is to say that all employees are entitled to due process and after that due process, discipline will be determined,” he added. “If I were to say anything else, I would actually be contradicting the idea of due process.”

Brooklyn Center apparently hired the right man for the job of city manager, but he was fired almost immediately after calling for a concept that is engrained in our society.

That is the presumption the officer, in this instance a woman reported to be 26-year Brooklyn Center cop Kimberly Potter, be allowed to have the facts dictate her future before she was dragged into the kangaroo court of public opinion — and potentially later in criminal court.

The Star Tribune reported that after daring to call for due process, Boganey was fired following an emergency meeting held by the city council. The council then put Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliot in charge of the city’s police department in that same meeting.

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Elliot, a Democrat, broke the news on Twitter that Boganey was out of a job.

“Effective immediately our city manager has been relieved of his duties, and the deputy city manager will be assuming his duties moving forward. I will continue to work my hardest to ensure good leadership at all levels of our city government,” Elliot tweeted.

Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon has since resigned, as has Potter, NBC News reported.

No day in court, no internal review. Three people, who by all outward appearances were good at their jobs until this week’s events, are now gone as mob justice demanded their heads.

But most troubling is the canning of Boganey. The man had the bravery and moral fortitude in today’s climate of racial animus to take a measured, facts-first approach during a heated and emotional situation.

What did a city and county overrun by leftists and their nasty mob-rule politics do? They fired him in a display that is the antithesis of the principles of law and order this country has relied on through troubling times and tragic events.

In President Joe Biden’s America, a hate-filled neo-Marxist group called Black Lives Matter and its agenda rules the streets, courthouses and government offices — with the help of corporate America, of course.

But not only was there no due process for the accused — Potter — in this instance. There were severe repercussions for a man who simply asked for the continuity of one of the principles we’ve collectively relied on: due process.

Boganey apparently wanted to ensure actual justice was served — whatever that might have been.

Now, he’s out of a job, as are two cops and the low-wage workers who until Monday were working at a Dollar Tree location in Brooklyn Center before it was looted and set on fire during a mostly peaceful riot.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
