
'They Don't Care if I Die': Officer Claims She Was Sacked for Calling Out BLM Protesters


To any who may believe cancel culture isn’t real: This officer begs to differ.

Sara Erwin, a New Jersey police officer, was allegedly fired due to a Facebook post in which she called protesters for the Black Lives Matter organization “terrorists.”

According to Fox News, Erwin wrote in the post, “Last night as I left for work I had my two kids crying for me not to go to work. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the way I did last night. And then I watched people I know and others I care about going into harms way. I love my police family like my own.”

She continued, “So when you share posts and things on Facebook I’d really appreciate if you’d THINK before doing so. I’ve seen so many black lives matter [sic] hashtags in these posts. Just to let you know — they are terrorists.”

“They hate me. They hate my uniform. They don’t care if I die.”

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Erwin explained to “Fox and Friends” on Wednesday that she wrote the post amid a lot of “turmoil,” as Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the nation following the death of George Floyd.

“I had friends, family, tons of people reaching out — text messages, phone calls, reaching out through Messenger — checking on me and making sure everything is okay because they were seeing so many things in the news. I felt like it was easiest to put what I was feeling and get a message out there, that I was home, I was safe.”

“It was a really emotional — it was an emotional time.”

When asked how she felt after learning of her termination, Erwin was visibly upset.

“I have never been in trouble my entire career. I’m pretty much a rule-follower,” she said. “I’m devastated.”

Another officer, Mandy Gray, was reportedly suspended for liking Erwin’s post. She told “Fox and Friends” that she wanted to show support for Erwin out of love and understanding.

“The reason why I showed my support was, Sara is one of my officers. We had had a very emotional conversation that night at work. I had to send one of my officers into a neighboring city that was having riots, and it was just a very emotional night.”

She continued, “I knew where she was coming from because of the conversation we had had earlier in the evening, when she made that post, and I hearted on it in support in showing her my love.”

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Fox reported that both Erwin and Gray were serving at Hopewell Township Police Department and are over 20-year veterans of the force, making their punishments even more infuriating if true.

The officers’ attorney, Frank Crivelli, thankfully filed an appeal with the New Jersey Superior Court, saying their treatment was “unjust and excessively harsh.”

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Crivelli called both policewomen “outstanding, decorated officers,” and pointed out that neither officer had ever been reprimanded or investigated by Internal Affairs throughout their entire careers. “As Sara said, we have nothing more here than a policy violation at best — at best.”

He noted that a policy violation was only an offense if the officers’ actions weren’t protected by the First Amendment.

The woke mob is at its strongest right now. Two officers with some of the cleanest records in New Jersey were allegedly fired because of a single Facebook post. Where does it end?

Hopefully, if Erwin and Gray are telling the truth, their attorney will be able to expose the Hopewell Township Police Department for what it seems to be: one more cog in the woke machine.

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