
School Nurse Suspended After Gruesome Encounter with Student Leads Her to Protest Masks


A New Jersey school nurse has been suspended without pay since April 20 for refusing to wear a mask and for criticizing her school district’s onerous mask mandate, calling it “child abuse.”

Erin Pein, a nurse with the Stafford Township School District, has treated numerous children who complained of headaches, stomach aches and shortness of breath because they were forced to wear masks all day.

According to Pein, in several instances, the children were wearing dirty masks that hadn’t been changed for weeks. Sometimes, the masks contained vomit and other stomach-curdling bacteria, she said Wednesday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.”

“I was witnessing children being harmed by these masks on a multi-factorial level,” Pein said. “So I’ve seen kids come in with all kinds of dirty masks, the same mask for weeks, surgical masks that have food and dirt on them.

“And I had a student come to me, he came to the nurse’s office and said he couldn’t breathe.”

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When Pein told the boy she wanted to take his dirty cloth mask off and replace it with a clean surgical mask, the terrified boy said he was not allowed to take his mask off and he had been wearing it for two straight weeks.

“How could this be?” she asked. “This kid’s sleeping and showering in this mask for two weeks? We tried to take it off and we couldn’t, so we actually had to cut it off and throw it away.”

In another instance, Pein said, a boy came to see her after throwing up in his mask. He told her he wasn’t sick and explained that the nausea and vomiting he experienced were caused by his chronic mask usage.

Is forcing children to wear masks around the clock child abuse?

In still another gruesome incident, the nurse said a little girl came to her office crying because she was sick and had thrown up in class but was forced to keep her soiled mask on.

“I had a kid come down to me. She was wearing a mask. She was crying,” Pein recounted. “She had vomited in class. … I pulled her mask off. It was full of vomit. Her mask was full of vomit.”

The nurse said she has been a medical professional for 13 years and has three children of her own.

Because she’s a mom herself, Pein said, she’s especially heartbroken at seeing so many children suffer from “severe anxiety” fueled by their schools’ unreasonable mask mandates.

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After witnessing all this, Pein alerted her supervisor about her concerns. She said her boss dismissed them, saying her feedback was not appreciated.

“They just bluntly told me we are going to be following the mandates put in place by Gov. [Phil] Murphy and that includes wearing masks,” she told host Brian Kilmeade. “And I let them know that, as a nurse, I don’t feel comfortable enforcing something that I can see and know that is harming somebody.”

The Stafford Township School District is expected to make a final decision about Pein’s employment status on Monday.

In the meantime, she said she has been bombarded with messages of encouragement from other nurses, doctors, physicians and psychiatrists commending her for standing her ground.

She urged her fellow health care colleagues to keep fighting for the welfare of children who are being abused by these irrational restrictions because they can’t stand up for themselves.

“Stand up,” she exhorted. “You can go to America’s Frontline Doctors. You can get information about legal resources of how you can stand up and protect the kids that we are supposed to protect.”

Kilmeade said Fox News had reached out to the school district but it had declined to comment.

It is unconscionable, unsanitary and unhealthy to force children — who should be carefree and happy — to wear masks all day, especially since they are at microscopic risk of contracting or spreading the coronavirus.

This is child abuse and social terrorism, and all those who are pushing this deranged agenda should be ashamed of themselves.

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