
While Trans Agenda Takes Over, Texas Just Passed a Law Protecting Parents from False Abuse Claims


Gender confusion is quickly becoming an epidemic for young people in America. It is well known that children are way too young to fully understand the consequences of their actions. Yet, societal pressures are causing children to change their bodies forever.

As soon as a child in an exam room says they are experiencing emotional distress at home due to their parents not allowing them to transition, doctors can call Child Protective Services, effectively blocking the parents from having any say in the matter.

Thankfully, Texas lawmakers have seen the impending danger of allowing medical professionals to deem what is “child abuse” and what is not.

A new bill going into effect on Sept. 1 will allow families to request the advice of multiple medical professionals before courts can rule to separate a child from their family on the grounds of child abuse, according to NBC News.

This law was formed after a 2019 investigation by NBC and the Houston Chronicle found multiple stories of families being ripped apart due to false allegations of abuse.

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Tragically, many of these stories were characterized by courts taking the word of one medical professional as absolute truth.

NBC reported one sponsor of the bill, Republican Texas state Rep. James Frank, said, “False removals are traumatic for kids first and foremost, but also for their parents.”

“So we have to be more precise in the way we go through the removal process. I think sometimes when an expert in a white suit says something, there’s a tendency for CPS to go, ‘They’re 100 percent right.’ But that’s not always the case.”

Unfortunately, many of these so-called “expert opinions” are found to be wrong, and tend to lean in favor of liberal agendas.

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So, what happens when a liberal doctor thinks a little boy or girl has gender dysphoria and tells the parents they should let their child transition? If the parents refuse, could that be deemed child abuse?

It’s scary to think that this is a very real, very messed-up possibility in our postmodern world.

Canada has already seen the consequences of shifting power away from the family. In 2019, the British Columbia Court of Appeal ruled that a 14-year-old girl could undergo hormone therapy against the will of her father, according to The Guardian.

Even in the U.S., some parents have been experiencing CPS battles due to the involvement of medical professionals.

One reporter with the City Journal noted, “Indeed, several parents of trans-identified teens told me that the social workers who had attended to their daughters during a mental health crisis or suicide attempt had begun coaching their daughters on ‘emancipation.’’

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Last year, CNN published an article condemning states that were fighting to ban children from receiving gender reassignment treatment.

The outlet argued that children who suffer from gender dysphoria and aren’t able to receive this type of treatment are more likely to be depressed.

However, the study from which CNN drew this conclusion admitted that the main cause of depression in youth with gender dysphoria could be “experiences of social stress such as family rejection, bullying, violence, victimization, and discrimination, which occur due to disadvantaged social status.”

The depression brought on by these factors is not cured by taking a child away from their family. Structure within a family unit is exactly what a confused child needs to make sense of the world.

But more and more people are calling parents who refuse to allow their children to destroy their lives with hormone therapy at a young age “abusers.”

And if the word of one pro-transgender medical professional is the deciding factor in a child abuse case, many families will be tragically ripped apart.

Thankfully, in a skewed world that loses its mind more and more each day, Texas has preemptively paved the way to protect families against the trans agenda.

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Rachel Bratton is a Junior Associate Video Producer at the Western Journal. She is currently earning her degree in Communications and Christian Studies at Grand Canyon University.
Rachel Bratton is an Editorial Intern at the Western Journal. She is currently earning her degree at Grand Canyon University, where she has contributed to research on civil discourse.
