
Itxu Díaz: Conservatives Will Get the Last Laugh - Don't Let the Politics Weigh You Down


With the arrival of summer, the last thing you want to do is keep watching Sleepy Joe talk about opportunity and flexibility during the prime-time news hour.

Summer is the time for cold beer, fine sand and relaxing in the sun. And politics is an accident in the sweetness of life — or, rather, a necessary evil. But not during these hot months. Nothing should be allowed to spoil a happy summer for us, like they tried doing last summer with the excuse of the China virus.

This summer, let’s keep politics away from the daily goings-on.

As a current affairs commentator, a columnist, I stealthily approach the months of July and August without looking back on the political dust that has risen — as if the life of a writer were just a long walk to the lounge chair.

I don’t think I can change the world with one article, and yet I am sure that I will see everything in a different color horizontally after a couple of daiquiris and with the ocean’s salty residue tattooing my soul. This also paves the way for responding to the taunting of the contemporary left with an argument at the height of their regenerative proposals: Go to you-know-where, if you would be so kind.

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On the other hand, we know that toward the end of the season it is better not to take care of the things that are presumed to be important. This is not the time to submit a nomination, publish a new book or launch a television show.

No, it’s time to slowly dissolve until you disappear with the sun, before physical and mental exhaustion leads us to improvise some nonsense that we may regret. Mark Twain explained it long ago with a few drops of humor: “Man was made at the end of the week’s work, when God was tired.”

Nor should we ever, and even more so in these days, forget what the great Colombian philosopher Gómez Dávila wrote to us: “Irritability is a byproduct of the left’s intellect.” When everything is said and done, conservatives always get the last laugh.

Not only in my professional association of columnists but also in the street, at the beginning of the summer there is a certain uneasiness about the present time, when we remind ourselves that, for now, the truth, the ideology and the things we believe in seem to have failed to prevail over evil, sectarianism and lies.

Do conservatives always get the last laugh?

Somehow, the conservative always believes he is losing the media battle. But it’s only a mirage. In reality, it takes people a long time to forget that while some were promoting lower taxes or doing whatever it takes to reactivate the economy, others dedicate endless meetings to a matter of maximum national interest, such as allowing men disguised as women to compete with girls in official sports.

All of this would be comical if there weren’t a lot of people out there who are losing a lot of what they have earned over decades, with the sweat of their brow, working in a thousand places, risking their money, starting companies or starting alone.

We now know that the Biden plan will cause nearly 60 percent of Americans to have to pay more taxes. A widespread ruin. But Kamala Harris and the other swindlers have no interest in this matter; they are dedicated exclusively to someone like Rachel Levine winning the 100-meter hurdles in the women’s modality, or they are exclusively concerned about the speed at which the cursed glaciers melt, or about any other nonsense that seems to be taken from a satirical newspaper.

That’s what I mean. Every day they are further away from the real world and from ordinary people.

Now that the sun is shining and everything seems to smell like the sea, we can rest easy, get some fresh air and turn our backs on politics if necessary. Perhaps many conservatives are tired and discouraged, thinking that we will never win the battle against professional propagandists because they work in true Soviet style.

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But hold on to peace. Enjoy that daiquiri now. Laugh with your loved ones. Thank God for the beautiful things in life. With time and patience, evil and lies will come to light, and then no battle we have fought will have been in vain.

Meanwhile, smile and find solace, once again, in the classic text penned by Dávila: “The world is not so bad considering those who govern it.”

Seems like he wrote that with Sleepy Joe in mind.

This article first appeared on The Western Journal en Español.

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Itxu Díaz is a Spanish journalist, political satirist and author. He has written nine books on topics as diverse as politics, music or smart appliances. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, National Review, The American Conservative, The American Spectator and Diario Las Américas in the United States, and columnist for several Spanish magazines and newspapers. He was also an advisor to the Ministry for Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. Follow him on Twitter at @itxudiaz or visit his website
