
Kamala Harris Loses to Trump in Head-to-Head Poll as Her Approval Rating Sinks to New Low


Vice President Kamala Harris has been a controversial figure for Democrats and Republicans alike, and according to a recent poll, she is an even more controversial figure than former President Donald Trump.

During her time in office, Harris has proven she is completely ignorant of the true nature of the crisis. Harris has cared more about perpetuating a liberal agenda than about finding effective solutions to the numerous problems faced by the country today.

A recent survey conducted by Republican polling firm McLaughlin & Associates found Trump ranked much higher in favorability for the 2024 presidential election than the current vice president. When asked about presidential preference for 2024, Trump beat Harris 49 percent to 45 percent.

McLaughlin & Associates surveyed a group of 1,000 general election likely voters between May 12 and May 18. There was no margin of error given by the pollster.

Of the voters, 47 percent approved of Harris, while 48 percent had an unfavorable opinion of her. Of those with strong opinions, just 27 percent said that they had “very favorable” opinions about the vice president, while a whopping 38 percent said they felt their opinion toward her was “very unfavorable.”

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The numbers were gathered before Harris announced her trip to El Paso, Texas, where she arrived on Friday.

And even though she may have planned the trip to the U.S.- Mexico border to placate her critics, many are still calling her out for avoiding the actual center of the crisis.

After being appointed the “border czar” in March, Harris dragged her feet in making any moves that would satisfy the role. Her disastrous run trying to solve the border crisis has been almost completely ineffective thus far.

Refusing to address this crisis has been one of Harris’ biggest mistakes, so it’s understandable her approval rating is plummeting.

According to the McLaughlin & Associates poll, 64 percent of voters think Harris will become president before the end of Biden’s term. Given the poll numbers, it looks like Biden leaving office may be the only way she would do so in the next four years.

Do you think Harris has a chance in 2024?

If Harris decides to run against Trump in 2024, it will most likely spell a brutal loss for her. The public opinion will need to be drastically swayed in order for her to have a fighting chance.

But did anyone even like her in the first place?

New Polling Has Devastating News for Kamala Harris' Presidential Dream

As a Democratic presidential candidate, Harris lost funding and dropped out of the primaries. She even struggled to make an impact on black voters, as many felt she was inauthentic, according to Politico.

It looks like a second run for the presidency might have a similar outcome for Harris.

Based on this poll, Trump will have no problem crushing the competition in the 2024 election if it comes down to him and Harris.

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Rachel Bratton is a Junior Associate Video Producer at the Western Journal. She is currently earning her degree in Communications and Christian Studies at Grand Canyon University.
Rachel Bratton is an Editorial Intern at the Western Journal. She is currently earning her degree at Grand Canyon University, where she has contributed to research on civil discourse.
