
New Jersey Announces It Will House Prison Inmates According to 'Gender Identity'


Women doing hard time in New Jersey prisons could soon be living in a man’s world after the state decided Tuesday to allow prisoners to be placed in facilities that are in line with their “gender identity.”

The state caved to settle a 2019 lawsuit brought on by a male inmate who identified as a woman, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, which represented the plaintiff. The leftist legal group celebrated its victory against women in a news release.

“New Jersey agreed to adopt major policy reforms regarding transgender, intersex, and non-binary people in state prisons, the result of an agreement settling a civil rights suit brought by a woman who was forced to live in men’s prisons for a year and a half,” the release stated.

“A woman going by the pseudonym Sonia Doe, represented by the ACLU of New Jersey and attorney Robyn Gigl of Gluck Walrath LLP, sued the New Jersey Department of Corrections and its officers in August 2019. As part of the settlement announced today, New Jersey has adopted a system-wide policy that includes housing in line with gender identity, and not sex assigned at birth.”

The ACLU bragged that, “Only a few other states in the nation have such protections in place.”

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For now, most states will not allow physically stronger, more aggressive and more dangerous prisoners — criminals by definition — to live among women. New Jersey, though, has decided that women in its prison system don’t matter.

It’s important to remember that women confined to prison are paying their debts to society. That same society has a responsibility to make sure they’re safe while in custody. Making it possible for male criminals to invade female prisons is not a way to ensure that safety.

Will some of those women become future victims of this nightmare and sue the state for violating the Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment? Perhaps, perhaps not.

But there are certainly reasons that prisons are segregated by gender. Among those is the fact that violent, sexually deviant and evil men in our society are so often sexual predators.

Do you think New Jersey's female inmates will suffer from this decision?

As a rule, women are generally easy prey for such men. New Jersey has thrown these women to the wolves, although the state assured it will protect them after inmates are placed in facilities in line with their so-called “gender identity.”

“Once the NJDOC learns and confirms an inmate’s gender identity, using the procedures laid out in this document, it shall determine the inmate’s facility and housing unit assignment, with a presumption that the inmate will be housed in line with their gender identity,” the  settlement states.

“[Prison officials] may deviate from the presumptive placement after an individualized determination and upon written certification that the placement would jeopardize the inmate’s health and safety. When making such determinations, the inmate’s own views with respect to their safety shall be given serious consideration.”

Jeanne LoCicero, the legal director for the New Jersey ACLU, equated the insane agrement to a victory for “human rights.”

“This policy is a start and addresses the needs of some of the most vulnerable people in state prisons,” said LoCicero. “Communities across the state are paying attention to this moment in NJDOC’s history, and in partnership with them, we will continue working to reduce the number of people in prisons and jail, and advocating for the human rights of those who are incarcerated.”

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Given the settlement, it’s not hard to imagine that men who now commit serious crimes in New Jersey — atrocities that previously would have seen them doing hard time — deciding to embrace lip gloss and change their names to sound more feminine just to win a transfer to a women’s prison.

What could go wrong?

So much for men who earned a stint in prison challenging the toughest guy in the yard on day one, lest he become someone’s companion. Now, that man can simply opt out of his gender and claim he was born in the wrong body.

Under the settlement, according to the news release, the prisoner who sued “Sonia Doe” will receive also receive $125,000 in damages from the state and the ACLU’s legal fees will be paid for by New Jersey taxpayers.

This news is yet another sign of how our country has faltered within the past few years. Our society has caved to lunacy and abandoned reality.

The buried lede here, at least for right now, is that Democrats don’t care about women — especially in New Jersey. We all know which political party runs New Jersey.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
