
American Family Trapped in Afghanistan Sends Desperate Plea to Joe Biden


An American family trapped in Afghanistan is pleading with President Joe Biden’s administration for assistance, fearing that their safety is at risk following the Taliban’s sweeping offensive.

Haroon, a U.S. citizen who is unable to leave Afghanistan, appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday morning to describe the ongoing chaos within the capital city of Kabul, as well as to issue a plea for help for his family and others trapped in the city, Fox News reported. The outlet did not provide Haroon’s last name.

The plea comes only days after the Biden administration instructed U.S. citizens within the county to “shelter in place” and to not head to Kabul’s airport amid reports of security threats. It also comes only days after the Taliban overran the capital.

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“I was in the airport — Kabul airport — 20 minutes ago,” Haroon told the Fox and Friends panel. “I went to see if I [could] get in because I got an email from the embassy.”

The email, according to Fox News, told Haroon that the embassy was open and encouraged him to get to the airport. However, by the time Haroon arrived at the embassy, it was overrun by Taliban soldiers, and “thousands of people” were flooding the streets.

“I saw the Taliban sitting there,” Haroon said. “I couldn’t give myself the courage to go and ask them, ‘Hey, I’m an American. I want to go in the embassy.'”

Haroon told the outlet he was “trying to get [his] family out of here” and advised others to leave the country “as soon as possible” to protect their safety.

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“We don’t have safety anymore,” Haroon said, adding that he had put his own life at risk by simply speaking out.

“We all know what’s going to happen next the few days or next couple weeks after Americans leave Afghanistan. So everyone is scared.”

The trapped citizen then issued a plea directly to Biden.

“We need immediate help. Mr. Biden, please help all these Afghans who did support you, who helped you,” Haroon said.

“Please help all these families that are on the street. Their kids are not deserving this. They help you and they help America, they help the world.”

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Christian pastors in the region have also issued urgent requests for prayers, with several concerned for the safety of their congregates and their own safety.

On Tuesday, American citizens who were stuck in Kabul were sent a note by the U.S. government that said it could not “guarantee [citizens’] security” if they headed to the airport to board a flight.

Taliban soldiers allegedly opened fire on protesters in the city of Jalalabad on Wednesday, as protesters were demonstrating against the group’s takeover of the country. The Taliban reportedly killed three of them.

Videos from the protests depicted a large crowd scurrying as shots rang out. There were additional reports of journalists being beat and detained for reporting on the event.

Other videos depicted Taliban soldiers beating Afghans who were attempting to reach the airport to evacuate, with one detainee reportedly being kicked in the face while being escorted away in a pickup truck.

Former Afghanistan war veterans have expressed outrage and sadness on social media over Biden’s troop withdrawal, with one telling the Washington Post, “Why did my friend get blown up? For what?”

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Jesse Stiller was a contributor with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He previously wrote for Campus Reform and the Daily Caller, and was a section editor for his school newspaper.
Jesse Stiller was a contributor with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He previously wrote for Campus Reform and the Daily Caller, and was a section editor for his school newspaper.
