
Navy SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Hints at a Run for Office: 'Our Great Nation Needs Real Leaders'


Robert O’Neill, the former Navy SEAL credited with killing al-Qaida head Osama bin Laden, teased a possible run for political office in a Wednesday tweet.

“Our great nation needs real leaders. I might get back in the fight,” he wrote.

O’Neill, now a motivational speaker and Fox News contributor, has been highly critical of President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 American service members dead and an unspecified number of Americans and Afghan allies stranded under Taliban rule.

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“This is when you step up, when you plant your feet and then you move forward. You fight the enemy. You see the people who need to be rescued,” O’Neill said on Fox Business a week before the final U.S. pullout on Aug. 31.

“We’re making ourselves look bad. It’s pathetic. I’m ashamed. I feel like I lost a big chunk of my life,” he said.

O’Neill had previously blasted Biden over the Afghanistan debacle, calling for the resignation of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.

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Whether his latest comment on Twitter will translate into a future run for office is unclear.

He has lately used his social media account to make several nakedly political barbs.

O’Neill took a shot at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday, pointing out that it’s not an elected body and making a thinly veiled reference to Adolf Hitler in the process.

He followed that up with his thoughts on how politicians really see the public they are supposed to serve.

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O’Neill even offered to help Larry Elder, a Republican candidate in the recall election against California Gov. Gavin Newsom, after video of a woman in a gorilla mask throwing an egg at Elder went viral.

The former Navy SEAL told Elder to give him a call to help battle progressive “mobs.”

O’Neill, 45, participated in the May 2011 raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan — dubbed Operation Neptune Spear — that took out bin Laden for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Several years after the raid, O’Neill revealed himself as the shooter who had killed the al-Qaida leader.

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