
AZ Auditors Say 335% More 'Bad Signatures' Found Than Maricopa County Initially Reported


The nation has been waiting for months to see what findings would come out of the Arizona audit of the 2020 election.

On Friday afternoon, the results were presented.

According to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the founder of EchoMail, the software team in charge of looking for just the signatures themselves, there were significant discrepancies in the signature fields of ballots submitted in Maricopa County.

Ayyadurai highlighted the findings during a Livestream of the audit results.

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“EchoMail was commissioned to identify [the] presence of Blanks, Scribbles, Signatures in Signature Region, NOT to perform Signature Verification/Matchmaking,” a presentation shared by Ayyadurai noted.

“If Scribbles ALONE were considered ‘Bad Signatures,’ then EchoMail ITSELF identified 335% more ‘Bad Signatures’ than Maricopa did from its ENTIRE Signature Verification process.”

The EchoMail founder noted this report does not even include the “blank” signatures that Maricopa County counted. These findings were reportedly only taking into account the signatures which were considered “scribbles.”

According to auditors, there are significant discrepancies between Maricopa County’s initial results of the 2020 election and what audit findings revealed, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

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Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
