
Far-Left Protesters Descend Upon White House, Target 'Genocide Joe Biden'


President Joe Biden’s Friday proclamation recasting Columbus Day in light of the “wrongs and atrocities … inflicted on Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities” wasn’t enough to deter hundreds of protesters, led by Native Americans from across the country, from marching to the White House on Monday demanding that Biden stop approving fossil fuel projects and declare a national climate emergency.

The demonstration is part of a planned five-day protest by People vs. Fossil Fuels, a coalition of groups under the banner of Build Back Fossil Free that is demanding the Biden administration take more drastic actions to reduce fossil-fuel projects.

“People are dying right now from the pollutants, the toxins, the climate catastrophes that are happening — and we have to stop the harm,” Siqiñiq Maupin, director of the activist group Sovereign Inupiat for a Living Arctic, told Fox News. “Biden’s election was riding on climate change; his entire election hinged on turning out people of color and Indigenous people.”

“But when it really comes to what matters, our lives are still being sacrificed for oil and gas. That’s why we’re here today,” she wrote.

Though largely peaceful, the protest was marred by some incidents of violence and vandalism, including demonstrators pushing against metal fences and yelling at Park Police and Secret Service officers opposite them.

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A nearby statue of a former president of the United States was defaced by protesters.

Erica Jones, 41, an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe who lives in Ramsey, Minnesota, was handcuffed by Secret Service agents and later released on the sidewalk.

Jones admitted to throwing an orange toward police in an interview, as reported by The Washington Post.

A video captioned “Tellin genocide Joe Biden what’s up,” posted on Twitter by a self-proclaimed “trans indigenous journalist” known as “Against late capitalism,” shows a woman shouting at police.

“You all need to learn to shut up, listen and follow the lead of the indigenous peoples of this nation, of black people of this nation!” the woman yelled.

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WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers will find offensive.

The words “Expect Us” were spray-painted on the base of the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square in front of the White House.

The words are part of the phrase “Respect Us, or Expect Us” being used by indigenous women protesting oil company Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline through Minnesota.

For his part, Biden — his administration already grappling with its uneven handling of several issues, both foreign and domestic, that threatens his base of support — must be wondering what more he has to do to earn the backing of the green wing of his party.

He has committed America to rejoining the Paris climate accord, set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, canceled a federal permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline and proposed new federal goals and mandates for shifting the country toward electric motor vehicles.

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