
Smollett Suggests 1 of His Nigerian 'Attackers' Was a Jilted Lover Who Wanted Revenge on Disgraced Actor


It can be difficult to get at the truth these days. People have been trained, it seems, to lie to get what they want. One of the best ways to lie is to create a narrative that is difficult to disprove.

One way to do this is a he said/she said allegation. It means that either one or both of the witnesses are lying, but finding out the truth is a nearly impossible task.

The he said/she said is designed to sow doubt.

Actor Jussie Smollett, who claimed he was attacked and beaten by two masked men shouting racist and homophobic slurs in 2019, appears to be using this tactic.

Smollett, who stands accused of staging a hate crime, testified at his trial that his relationship with Bola Osundairo, who claims he staged the attack on Smollett, was sexual, according to Fox News.

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Smollett claimed that the first night he met Bola, who is of Nigerian descent, they smoked weed and did cocaine. Then they went to a club. Finally, they got a private room in a gay bath house where they did some more drugs and made out.

Bola Osundairo emphasized that he is not gay in testimony previous to Smollett’s. He claimed his relationship with Smollett was nothing more than a friendship.

This is a classic he said/she said.

Somebody’s lying. They both can’t be telling the truth.

Smollett’s tactic may have been designed to play the jilted lover card. Perhaps, the Osundairo brothers planned an elaborate attack on Smollett out of revenge.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps the tactic will backfire, and the prosecution will prove the brothers agreed to do the dastardly deed for the meager sum of $3,500. Smollett previously made it clear that he was making $100,000 per episode on the hit show Empire by Season 5. Talk about a cheap wage.

Time will tell. But that’s a lot of perhaps/perhaps nots. This creates doubt.

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Remember the Casey Anthony case? Her lawyer, Jose Baez, sowed doubt by insinuating that Casey’s father had molested her and might be the father of Casey’s murdered child. Baez made the claim in opening statements of the 2011 Anthony murder trial, as reported by the Huffington Post. Anthony was on trial for of murdering her two-year-old daughter, covering it up with lies and disposing of the child’s body.

Anthony was ultimately found not guilty. For those who watched the trial, and I was one them, the verdict was controversial to say the least.

Some of the juror’s in the trial later claimed, in an interview with People, there was not enough evidence to convict Anthony. One of the juror’s, however, said that Jose Baez, “was the only one in the room who seemed like he cared. We talked about that in the jury room.”

Baez may have been playing the sympathy card in an attempt to taint jury deliberations by injecting emotion. Emotional jury’s are apt to make mistakes. The jury room is supposed to be a sanctuary for reason and common sense. Defense lawyers and criminals know that injecting emotion into jury deliberations can create doubt. Doubt may be the last hope when reason is going against them.

Trials like Smollett’s are symptomatic of the ongoing war against truth. The war more than likely has been going since the emergence of language. Jesus Christ, who was The Way, The Truth and The Life, was crucified by men who sought to create reality in their own image.

Philosopher Rene Descartes — whose infamous cogito ergo sum, “I think therefore I am” — doubted all truth except for the fact that he knew that he was thinking. With Descartes, truth became relative to the thinker because nothing could be trusted outside of the mind.

Is Jesse Smollett lying about his relationship with Bola Osundairo?

It’s not much of a stretch to cast players like Jesse Smollett and Casey Anthony, who were taught to believe that truth is relative in an education system bent on the destruction of reality, as casualties in the war against truth. They fell prey to the notion that they can create reality by bestowing doubt about truth.

Why wouldn’t they? Politicians do it all the time. So do many teachers, lawyers and even doctors — like Anthony Fauci.

The war against truth is at a fevered pitch. But don’t be afraid.

Faith is truth’s hole card. No amount of doubt can defeat it.

Take the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, for example. Despite tremendous emotional pressure, fear that a city would burn and potential for jurors to be attacked, the jury stuck to reason and got it right.

Faith and reason go hand in hand. Together they are invincible.

Keep the faith. Doubt be damned.

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Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
