
Shameful: LeBron Promotes Disgraced Businessman Who Allegedly Shot Innocent Woman at Close Range


Moral relativism, the notion that a person, any person, can dictate what is right and what is wrong, is a losing proposition.

Take Lebron James, for example. On Dec. 11, James praised new rap songs from Tory Lanez’ album “Alone at Prom,” according to The Source.

An Instagram post by James read, “MAN THIS BOY COLD AS HELL MAN!!! ALONE AT PROM IS (fire emojis).”

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Lanez, who has been called a “businessman” by some, responded with “THE KING @KINGJAMES HAS SPOKEN.”

I wonder if James is aware of Lanez’ trouble with the law.

On July 12, 2020, Lanez was arrested in the Hollywood Hills after he left a party with rapper Megan Thee Stallion, according to Meaww.

Is Lebron James someone who is morally just?

Thee Stallion initially claimed she suffered from a foot wound cause by broken glass. However, she later claimed in a public note that, “I suffered gunshot wounds, as a result of a crime that was committed against me and done with the intention to physically harm me.”

LAPD detectives opened an investigation on Lanez for allegedly shooting Thee Stallion in the foot after an argument in the chauffeured SUV.

That’s not all. In March 2016, at a concert in Midland, Texas, Lanez got into a conflict with security and urged the crowd to “f**k this place up,” Meaww reported. This led to a riot.

Lanez has reportedly had numerous conflicts with rappers, such as Drake, Travis Scott and Eric Bellinger.

To be clear: Lanez, just like anybody else, is innocent until proven guilty. He’ll have his days in court as needed. But that’s not the point.

With Lanez at the center of so many conflicts, he could use some help with his public image.

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Enter LeBron James. According to Clucthpoints, in 2019 James had almost 70 million more social media followers than Stephen Curry, the second most popular player in the NBA. Today he has over 100 million followers on Instagram, according to Speakrj.

That’s a big deal, and Lanez is obviously benefiting from James’ praise.

One point of irony here is that in November 2021, James mocked Kyle Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse broke down in tears during testimony in his murder trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as reported by the New York Post. James was vocal against Rittenhouse and the gun violence of which he was accused.

“What tears????? I didn’t see one,” James posted on Twitter. “Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.”

Rittenhouse was later found not guilty for killing two men and wounding another by way self-defense.

LeBron James is a basketball player par excellence. Does this make him an expert in judging right from wrong? The answer, of course, is no. Especially when it comes to the actions of others. Yet James has an enormous influence on the court of public opinion. Where and when did he earn this right and responsibility?

Relativism, the notion that each person creates their own truth, has trickled down from the ivory tower to flood into mainstream society. It is commonplace for college freshmen to insist that truth is relative. I say this because I taught at universities for over a decade. In my experience, it is not just freshmen, not anymore. I have listened to college professors tell an auditorium full of students that, in fact, truth is relative.

That’s why people listen to LeBron James and other influencers who preach from the pulpit of the internet and the college classroom.

If truth is relative, there is no objective morality. God can exist in the minds of those who decide He — or it, or they — is a good thing to believe in, but others can decide on their own that God does not exist. Both truths, supposedly, can exist side by side.

This violates Aristotle’s Law of Non-Contradiction. If something is true, then its opposite is false. God cannot exist and not exist at once.

Bottom line: Humans are not gods, and God’s existence does not depend on their opinions. Humans do not dictate truth. They live in its midst.

We have courts of law to determine innocence and guilt. Our courts are not perfect, but they are the best we have in a fallen world.

With this in mind, LeBron James should keep his opinions to himself and quit trying to play the part of a little god creating “truth” in the court of public opinion.

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Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
