
Schumer's Easter Message on Confirmation of KBJ: 'The Stone Has Been Rolled Away from the Tomb'


Apparently, every year on Easter Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer addresses parishioners at the Christian Cultural Center megachurch in Brooklyn, New York. A.R. Bernard, the pastor of the megachurch, was delighted to welcome the man who has been a “champion for our community,” city and state to the pulpit on what he calls “Resurrection Sunday.”

Schumer began his remarks by recalling April 2019, the last time they’d gathered in person. “I was still minority leader. Donald Trump was terrorizing New York and our nation with his hatred, his bigotry and lies. … and on top of that all, our democracy [was] facing the greatest threat that any of us have ever witnessed in our lifetime. To sum it up, it’s been a dark few years. … “

“Even in the darkest times, there are bright lights. And this month, folks, we witnessed one of the brightest that we hope is a metaphor, an indication, a good omen of more bright lights to come, the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.”

“There are three words I use to describe Justice Jackson: brilliant …  beloved …  belongs …”

He delivered even more praise for Jackson and for hopes of even greater diversity in the years ahead.

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He spoke of “restoring balance to our judicial system that was thrown out of whack by Donald Trump and his vicious, nasty and even sometimes outright racists appointed to the bench.”

“So, my brothers and sisters, in conclusion, this is what changing of the seasons looks like. It looks like progress, it looks like growth, it looks like our everlasting struggle to perfect what was once imperfect. Lord knows, it took too long to get here. But now that we’re here, there’s no going back.

Reaching a crescendo, he declares, “The stone has been rolled away from the tomb. And all those good things we hoped and prayed for will come to pass. So Happy Easter!”

The crowd filling the 96,000 square foot church responded with polite applause for the senator which fell well short of Schumer’s obvious exuberance.

(Schumer’s remarks begin at 1:45.)

Did we miss something? Who knew that the confirmation of a judge who goes easy on pedophiles and pornographers was equivalent to the Resurrection? A person who couldn’t even provide us with the definition of a woman?

An uplifting message of hope on the most holy day in the Christian religion? Adulation of a controversial Supreme Court pick who was chosen on the basis of her skin color and gender?

Sounds more like blasphemy to me.

It’s surreal that a U.S. senator would compare Jackson’s confirmation to the Resurrection, and stranger still that Christians would applaud such a comparison, but this is the state of American politics today.

In September, New York’s Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul delivered a political message of her own from this same pulpit. At 0:30 in the video above, Hochul tells parishioners, “Yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones. But you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are.”

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“I need you to be my apostles,” she said.

Liberal extremists have contaminated most of our once-revered institutions such as the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the CDC, the NIH and others. More recently, they’ve infiltrated the military. And now they’re targeting our churches.

I question the judgment of this pastor who welcomes politicians into his church to spew this nonsense from his pulpit. How did Schumer’s message, or Hochul’s for that matter, help anyone who attended those services?

Do you think politics should be kept out of churches?

In a recent social media post, a Democrat wrote that her father had been a pastor in the Methodist Church. Her father “believed that pastors should never let their parishioners know which political party they supported. They were to be pastors to both Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. I knew what his politics were. (He was a Republican, by the way). … [I]n this part of the country at that time, most of the people were Democrats. An elderly woman once told me she could have counted the Republicans in this small town on one hand. And my father was pastor to all who attended his church.”

Her father was a wise man.

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Elizabeth writes commentary for The Western Journal and The Washington Examiner. Her articles have appeared on many websites, including MSN, RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist and RealClearPolitics. Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Elizabeth is a contract writer at The Western Journal. Her articles have appeared on many conservative websites including RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist,, HotAir, MSN and RealClearPolitics.

Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter.
