
Women's History Museum Snubs Females Everywhere, Selects Three Men for Place of Honor


For the most part, there are not a lot of surprises with the online National Women’s History Museum and its posted biographies of famous American women.

But three posted biographies mock the museum’s existence.

Like most such enterprises, usually stemming from a liberal outlook, many of the enshrined heroines lean left – Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gloria Steinem, Margaret Sanger.

Also, as wife of the second U.S. president and mother of the sixth, Abigail Adams was in many respects the intellectual equal, emotional counterweight and guiding force to her husband John Adams, as he co-authored with Thomas Jefferson the Declaration of Independence.

Her posted biography documents one of the greatest women in U.S. history.

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There are some conservatives – Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Concerned Women for America founder Beverly LaHaye, conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly.

And there is a woman I respect — Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson — treated like a fool by her husband, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, but an incredibly capable individual who once quickly learned to run Lyndon’s Congressional office like an experienced pro.

Also, some athletes and entertainers are there.

And then there are the three individuals whose presence mocks the true luminaries of the National Women’s History Museum – Cecilia Chung, Andrea Jenkins and Rachel Levine.

Does the presence of men make a mockery of the National Women’s History Museum?

Because each of them is a man; they may identify as women, but the XY chromosomes don’t lie. They are men.

While others included in the museum have towering real accomplishments  — Amelia Earhart for her early-day aviation feats; Helen Keller, world-famous despite being blind and deaf; Lucille Ball, for incredible comedy and business success – the main attractions of Chung, Jenkins and Levine are their personal and public efforts in transgender identity.

True, Hong Kong immigrant Chung has been an advocate for victims of HIV/AIDS, Jenkins was elected as president of the Minneapolis City Council (voting to defund the police and later, prompted by resulting crime, to reverse that decision) and Levine is Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

But the transgender factor is the main reason the museum recognizes these men.

There is nothing we as a society can celebrate regarding such transgender identifications, especially as they are being promoted among our children. Suffice it to say the individuals who go down these roads have decided poorly.

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No matter how much the lie is repeated, no matter what people feel or think, they are fighting the truth of nature.

And the charade is notched up even more when we have men like this touted by the National Women’s History Museum.

Even if they don’t reduce the perception of women’s accomplishments, they present a serious distraction.

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Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
