
Turning Point USA Just Issued Cease-and-Desist Letter to 'The View'


After “The View” hosts mocked Turning Point USA this week, the conservative organization issued a cease-and-desist letter to ABC News on Tuesday for broadcasting false accusations.

The letter accused “The View” of making “false, derogatory and defamatory statements” against TPUSA’s Student Action Summit, a youth conservative conference in Tampa, Florida. The event took place Friday through Sunday.

“The false statements of fact intentionally made during The View’s July 25th segment were unquestionably harmful to TPUSA’s reputation and brought the organization and its student affiliates into disrepute with the public, potential donors and current and future business partners, posing a significant financial loss to the organization,” the letter read.

Co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and Sarah Haines criticized TPUSA on Monday for letting neo-Nazis protest outside the conference last weekend, Fox News reported.

“Neo-Nazis were out there in the front of the conference with antisemitic slurs and, you know, the Nazi swastika and a picture of a so-called Jewish person with exaggerated features, just like Goebbels did during the Third Reich. It’s the same thing, right out of that same playbook,” Behar said.

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She also said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “did nothing” to address the situation.

Haines read a legal disclaimer on-air, saying TPUSA condemned the protesters who “had nothing to do” with the conference.

The legal note did not satisfy Goldberg, who alleged that TPUSA “let them in, and … knew what they were.”

The problem with this claim was that the protesters were not invited and did not attend the conference.

Should TPUSA #SueTheView?

Following a commercial break, Goldberg was forced to correct her statement.

“My point was metaphorical,” she said.

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They also falsely claimed the summit was a GOP-affiliated event.

TPUSA’s Veronica Peterson, who did not take the hosts’ statements on live television lightly, wrote the cease-and-desist letter.

“The View hosts intentionally and falsely associated TPUSA with neo-Nazi protestors outside the event placing TPUSA in denigrating and false light and negatively impacting its public perception,” the letter said. “Such action will not be tolerated.”

Peterson addressed the claims, clarifying that TPUSA condemned the neo-Nazi activists and that security could not remove them from the premises.

“To be abundantly clear, TPUSA aggressively and completely condemns the ideologies of neo-Nazism and has zero connection to the protestors outside the event. Since these individuals were located on public property, TPUSA security attempted to, but was not permitted to remove them,” she wrote.

Peterson added that the event was not associated with the Republican Party.

The letter gave ABC News until Wednesday to offer a retraction and apology.

Haines of “The View” issued a correction Wednesday on-air, which can be seen below.

After the news started trending, conservative figures used #SueTheView on social media.

TPUSA has not yet disclosed whether the apology and retraction satisfied the letter’s demands. If not met, the conservative organization will pursue all “legal remedies” for the defamation.

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David Zimmermann is a contract writer for The Western Journal who also writes for the Washington Examiner and Upward News. Originally from New Jersey, David studied communications at Grove City College. Follow him on Twitter @dezward01.
