
Ex-Sheriff Who Beat the Federal Government Years Ago Jumps Back in the Fight After Seeing '2000 Mules'


Former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack is rounding up a posse to investigate 2020 election fraud claims.

Mack is the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a coalition of constitutional police established in 2011.

In 1997, he took on the Clinton administration in federal court and won.

Now the sheriff is back in town.

In a partnership between Mack’s CSPOA and True the Vote, a vote-monitoring organization, the two are working to recruit as many like-minded sheriffs across the country as they can. Their goal is to investigate the 2020 election fraud allegations and to more aggressively enforce future voting, according to Reuters.

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“I would love for the investigations to prove that [Trump] indeed won the election. .. I don’t know if we’re going to get enough sheriffs to do their duty and get this thing investigated, but it needs to happen right away,” Mack said at the CSPOA “Call to Action” event in Las Vegas July 12. “Folks, this is not about Donald Trump, it’s about the American people. The coup was not against President Trump … This is a coup against the American people.”

True the Vote officials said they plan to raise the financial resources for sheriffs nationwide. Their aim is to support law enforcement with grants and equipment for investigating the 2020 voter-fraud claims. They also want to improve surveillance of ballot drop boxes for future elections, according to Reuters.

Mack was moved to action by the evidence revealed in the movie “2000 Mules,” a film by Dinesh D’Souza.

The film’s main argument — that there was election fraud sufficient to overturn the outcome of the 2020 election — was based on data gathered from True the Vote. Through the use of cell phone tracking, as well as video surveillance, True the Vote gathered enough evidence to argue that such voter fraud did take place.

Do you support Sheriff Mack?

“‘2000 Mules’ has presented overwhelming evidence. It cannot be dismissed,” Mack said.

It’s not the first time Mack has laid down the law.

In the 1997 Supreme Court case Mack v. United States, later renamed Printz v. United States, Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, joined with the NRA and took on the Clintons. Mack alleged that the Clinton administration’s Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was unconstitutional.

The act mandated federal background checks and imposed a 5-day waiting period on gun purchases.

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that provisions in the act were indeed unconstitutional.

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If you search Richard Mack’s sheriff movement on the internet, chances are you’ll find no shortage of leftist media attempting to discredit him.

You’ll see headlines with phrases like, “conspiracy-promoting,” “election denier” or “far right.”

It’s okay for Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams to cry “voter suppression” when things don’t go her way. But if you’re a conservative and you do what she does, you’re an election denier.

“There is no evidence, it’s been debunked! Why can’t you leave it alone?” The left screams.

Liz Cheney certainly won’t leave January 6 alone.

Evidence or no evidence, crime or no crime, Hutchinson or no Hutchinson, if the left can’t find the proof, they’ll make the proof.

But despite the left’s hypocrisy and its media’s attempts to discredit the stubborn sheriff, he won’t slow down.

“This is the greatest crime committed against the American people in the history of our country,” Mack told The Epoch Times. “This is a coup against the stewardship that we have as the people to choose our own representatives, to make this a constitutional republic.”

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