
Erickson: The Same People Who Shuttered Churches for COVID Refuse to Act on LGBT-Monkeypox Link


A few months ago, an international group of gay men engaged in a sexual encounter at an event in the Canary Islands. One or more of the participants had monkeypox.

A number of the men who participated in the activity went back to continental Europe, participated in more “Pride Month” sex-related events and began spreading the disease.

The spread of monkeypox had mostly been confined to the gay community through random sexual encounters and group sex. Now, several children have it. They have gay parents in open sexual arrangements who participated in sexual activities with other people.

“Both of those children are traced back to individuals who come from the men-who-have-sex-with-men community, the gay men’s community,” Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said last week.

A friend sent me a link the other day to a Twitter thread about a gay porn star who contracted monkeypox after participating in several orgies, including one held for a friend’s birthday.

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In the left-leaning Guardian, an LGBT activist described how he contracted monkeypox during New York City “Pride” festivities. “I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on July 1, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat,” he said.

He got monkeypox and gonorrhea. The activist is in the health care field and admitted he knew monkeypox was spreading in the gay community at the time.

The World Health Organization is declaring monkeypox an emergency. It has now spread globally to tens of thousands of people. It is contracted through contact, not just bodily fluid.

These are the sorts of things I’d prefer not to write about but need to in order to make a particular point.

The public health community that shut down churches, beaches, businesses and schools and demanded we stop seeing our grandparents is made up of the same officials who cannot bring themselves to prohibit group sexual activities. There will be no “two weeks of no orgies” to stop the spread of monkeypox despite two years of shutdowns to stop COVID-19.

The public health officials and media talking heads who condemned small business owners for maskless protests are the same officials and talking heads who thought we all needed to be in the street marching maskless after George Floyd’s death.

The same people who called riots “mostly peaceful” have largely ignored a would-be assassin showing up at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house.

Now, they cannot be open and honest about stopping monkeypox because they’re afraid of stigmatizing the gay community. A public health community and media hijacked by woke progressive ideology cannot speak truth into the world in order to help us.

These situations will get worse. Others will abandon the media and public health community for conspiracists on social media who make more sense and offer more plausible paths forward.

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We are witnessing a breakdown in society because the media and public health community have together picked a side and lost empathy for the other side. Instead of boldly speaking truth to all for everyone’s betterment, they’re picking winners and losers and playing to one side for that side’s betterment. The woke takeover of our institutions is causing a collapse of trust.

It’s going to cause more problems. COVID-19 and monkeypox and Jan. 6 nonsense are the beginning of this, not the end. It is uncomfortable to write or think about, but it is true.


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