
Hillary Clinton Posts Provably False Lies, Gets Completely Blasted in the Comments


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton drew the ire of many Twitter users Tuesday by making the claim that investigators established she had “zero” classified emails on her personal server.

Clinton posted an extensive Twitter thread professing her innocence in apparent defiance of established facts from multiple investigators.

“I can’t believe we’re still talking about this, but my emails… As Trump’s problems continue to mount, the right is trying to make this about me again. There’s even a “Clinton Standard,” Clinton began.

“The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified,” she continued. “Comey admitted he was wrong after he claimed I had classified emails.”

She pushed the argument further saying, “Trump’s own State Department, under two different Secretaries, found I had no classified emails.”
“That’s right: ZERO.”

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“By contrast, Trump has hundreds of documents clearly marked classified, and the investigation just started,” Clinton tweeted, “I’m more tired of talking about this than anyone, but here we are.”

Many cited testimony from FBI Director James Comey and a 2018 Department of Justice inspector general’s report, alluded to by Fox News, which cited “81 email chains containing approximately 193 individual emails’ were classified from the CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET levels at the time the emails were drafted on UNCLASSIFIED systems and sent to or from Clinton’s personal server.”

This was further recorded by the FBI’s documentation of the investigation.

Do you think Hillary Clinton should be investigated further?

The bureau’s report stated, “USIC agencies determined that 81 email chains, which FBI investigation determined were transmitted and stored on Clinton’s UNCLASSIFIED personal server systems, contained classified information ranging from the CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM levels at the time they were sent between 2009-2013.”

The response from Twitter users was almost immediate.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch tweeted, “Fact check: Astonishingly false.”

Podcast host Noam Blum reposted a 2016 video of Comey’s testimony highlighting the 110 emails and 52 email chains that the investigation had revealed at that time.

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Journalist Ben Leo of The Sun also presented an interesting interpretation of Clinton’s tweet, posting, “‘The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified.’ That’s because you deleted them all”

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