
FBI Hiding Potentially Explosive Records on Jeffrey Epstein: Internet Sleuth


The anonymous Substack author and internet sleuth known as Techno Fog made a bombshell claim about the FBI in a blog post on Friday.

The self-described “lawyer, writer and researcher” made a name for himself unsealing records from several prominent cases related to former President Donald Trump, such as the fraud case against former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of supposed “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia.

But his most recent report is related to the ongoing saga of deceased billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Techno Fog set the stage with a serious allegation on Twitter, writing, “We asked the FBI for the Jeffrey Epstein interview transcripts. The FBI response: providing the Epstein records would interfere with law enforcement proceedings.

“Either the FBI is lying or something is up. (Bet on FBI lies…)”

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In the linked post on his blog, “The Reactionary,” Techno Fog explained that he is involved in litigation to “extract records from the federal government,” having submitted more than 75 Freedom of Information Act requests in the past year.

In response to a request for the Department of Justice to “hand over all FBI interviews with Epstein,” what followed wasn’t a denial of such records’ existence.

Do you think the FBI is hiding the records on Jeffrey Epstein?

Rather, the FBI chose to invoke a frequently used legal maneuver to avoid compliance with the FOIA request, according to Techno Fog.

The blog post said the bureau responded to the FOIA request as follows: “The records responsive to your request are law enforcement records; there is a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding relevant to these responsive records, and release of the information could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

“We’re exceedingly doubtful that the release of the Epstein records would ‘interfere with enforcement proceedings,'” Techno Fog wrote, noting that Epstein co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted in 2021 and Epstein himself died in his jail cell in 2019.

With the death of Epstein and conviction of Maxwell, and without a public revelation of their client list, there are two possible explanations for the FBI’s response, as laid out by Techno Fog.

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The first is a grand jury investigation into other possible co-conspirators. “But that was from the summer of 2020 and we rightly assume no charges were brought against whoever was being investigated,” he wrote.

“It’s more likely that the Epstein records might embarrass the FBI,” Techno Fog said. “The DOJ and FBI have been known to abuse the FOIA law enforcement exemption to hide investigative materials from public release.”

In the case of the former, the public might eventually learn more about who was involved in child sex trafficking alongside Epstein and Maxwell.

However, should the latter be the reason, the public might never know the names of any co-conspirators who participated in their sick crimes.

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