
Tucker Exclusively Obtains DOJ's 'Unlawful' Subpoenas That Only Target Trump Allies; Reveals Demands


Tucker Carlson said his team has obtained a copy of the subpoena issued by the Biden administration’s Department of Justice last week to many supporters of former President Donald Trump.

During his prime-time show on Fox News Monday, the popular conservative host described the disturbing information demanded in the subpoena, saying, “It shocks the conscience of everyone who sees it.”

“What it demands is both unlawful and without precedent in American history,” Carlson told viewers.

Carlson said the subpoenas demand documents and testimony relating to “[a]ny claim that the Vice President and/or the President of the Senate had the authority to reject or choose not to count presidential electors,” he read.

“But included in this precedent-breaking sweep of political opponents of the Biden White House would be former White House adviser Bernie Kerick, who was the former police commissioner of New York City [and] Boris Epshteyn, who is the current attorney for Donald Trump,” Carlson added, according to The Post Millennial.

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The fact that this list includes many members of the former President’s legal team is highly concerning.

“At no time in American history has it been okay to grab the personal communications of someone’s lawyer, because those are privileged,” Carlson said.

RedState published the redacted subpoena on Friday.

DOJ Redacted Subpoena by The Western Journal on Scribd

Carlson said that former Senior Advisor to Trump and Speechwriter Stephen Miller was also targeted with a subpoena as well.

“The DOJ is now going after former White House official Stephen Miller, a frequent guest on this show, with a subpoena. Why? Well, it could be because Stephen Miller went on this network and said, ‘if we win these cases in the courts, then we can direct the alternate state of electors are certified,'” Carlson explained.

The Fox News host summed it up: “In other words, he didn’t call for insurrection, much less violence or a coup. He called for alternate electors to be seated if the court ordered them to be seated. In other words, he was following the constitutionally prescribed process, post-election. He’s doing what he’s supposed to do. He was following the rules.”

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“Now keep in mind,” Carlson said, “that any claim you make, as an American citizen, about electors, any claim you make about American politics period, is protected explicitly under the First Amendment.”

The subpoena went on to name several Republican electors in multiple states who submitted alternate electoral college slates in the 2020 election, a practice that was introduced in the 1960 Presidential election in Hawaii –by Democrats.

Furthermore, he explained, when Democrats attempted to reject electors in the 2016 election, they were not subpoenaed by the Trump DOJ, and their communications were not demanded as part of an investigation – because they were protected under the First Amendment.

“That’s why nobody prosecuted leading Democrats in 2016 when they sought to reject electors for Donald Trump.  … It’s why none of those people, including Kamala Harris, is now in jail.

“But right now, according to the subpoena that we have obtained, Merrick Garland’s DOJ is demanding all communication from the following people on this topic, and … it is not clear what the investigation is actually about. And that’s the most terrifying part.”

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