
Pro-Vax Author Dies of Cardiac Arrest After Tweeting COVID-19 Kills Some of the 'Right People'


Julie Powell, a writer best known for her book “Julie & Julia,” which was adapted into a movie starring Meryl Streep, passed away at the age of 49 from cardiac arrest.

Powell’s rise to prominence began when she started a blog about her mission to cook her way through Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” cookbook, The New York Times reported.

In 2005, Powell turned the stories into the book “Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen.” The book became the basis for the popular 2009 movie “Julie & Julia,” in which Amy Adams played Powell and Streep portrayed Child.

On Oct. 26, Powell suffered cardiac arrest and died at her home in upstate New York.

Though Powell was most known for her book and the movie that followed it, she was also very active on Twitter. In light of her passing, some of her posts concerning COVID-19 and vaccinations have been getting attention.

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On Oct. 1, 2021, Powell tweeted harshly about “anti-vaxxers.”

It started with a tweet from a user named Monjula Ray that referenced Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh getting COVID.

“Covid never kills the right people. Our rapey Justice will be just fine. Real tragedy,” Ray tweeted.

Powell responded, “I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions. But yes. It’s a real shame about Kavanaugh.”

Throughout 2021 and 2022, Powell often tweeted about the vaccine and her own experience with it. She was staunchly in favor of the shot.

“Just had to show proof of vaccination before entering a cafe for the first time. NYC, I’ve missed you!” Powell tweeted in October 2021.

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“Okay! Duck pricked, scored and seasoned, stock bubbling. Off to get my booster,” she posted on Christmas Eve 2021.

“So, as a vaccinated, boosted person, I’ve not been tested for Covid. Is it possible for me to be at this point? The Long Covid thing worries me, but also keep in mind that I’m a hypochondriac,” she tweeted in June.

In the weeks before her death, Powell tweeted that she had COVID in September and was still feeling ill in October.

Since her death, Twitter has been abuzz with commentary on her past opinions.

“Sorry she passed with such hate in her heart. I’ve never wished harm on anyone even though I see comments like this constantly. We ‘anti-vaxxers’ were trying to warn people this whole damn time,” one user wrote on Tuesday in response to Powell’s 2021 tweet about COVID killing “some of the right people.”

“Double jabbed in June, Covid in September, gone in November,” another user posted on Wednesday.

However, there is no evidence that COVID or the vaccine had anything to do with Powell’s death.

Powell is survived by her husband Eric Powell, the Times reported.

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