
CNN Is About to Get a Brutal Taste of Reality - New CEO Confirms Massive Upset for 'Nonessential' Staff


The freshly minted chairman and CEO of CNN, Chris Licht, is quickly earning himself an “angel of death” reputation among those he manages in the leftist news world.

According to Daily Mail, Licht has overseen the shutdown of the 300-million-dollar boondoggle that was CNN+ and has also seen to the axing of well-known CNN acolytes, such as Brian Stelter, Jeffrey Toobin and John Harwood.

Licht is now likely to oversee a significant layoff of CNN employees — just in time for Christmas — in direct contradiction to his promise that such layoffs would not occur.

According to Daily Mail, Licht found himself having to speak to angry and anxious CNN employees at a company sponsored town hall on Tuesday in response to the announcement that company-wide layoffs were likely to occur as early as December.

Tasked with finding ways to cut costs, Licht nervously addressed many questions and accusations involving his claim that staff layoffs would be unnecessary in order to achieve this goal just this summer.

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Licht was described as “unapologetic” in his response and said that he “felt he was being honest at the time.”

Licht was also vague when he described who would find themselves subject to the labor purge.

He was quoted as having said that, “…teams that are not deemed essential to the network’s ‘core mission’ were on the chopping block.”

Licht was then quoted during the meeting as making assurances that no further layoffs beyond December were planned “at this time,” according to Daily Mail.

Do you think CNN is on its way out?

This directly contradicts what he stated back at a June staff event where he said, “As it relates to CNN, there are no layoffs per se. A layoff is a downsizing, where you are given a target, and that is not happening at CNN.”

According to Daily Mail, Licht began to hint at layoffs in an October memo: “There is widespread concern over the global economic outlook, and we must factor that risk into our long-term planning. All this together will mean noticeable change to this organization. That, by definition, is unsettling. These changes will not be easy because they will affect people, budgets, and projects.”

This is the same month that Biden was filmed callously munching on an ice-cream cone in an Oregon Baskin Robbins and dismissed established data that supported serious economic problems in America, as well as the strength of the dollar.

In the video, when asked about the economy, Biden said, “I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar, I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Does that make sense?”

When asked to explain his nonsensical answer — which dismissed the fact that the dollar is the world’s reserve currency — Biden simply continued to chew on his cone and said, “Our economy is strong as hell.”

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It appears that not even the entitled propaganda arm of the Democratic Party is immune to the record-breaking inflation that the Biden administration has created.

Licht continued his unapologetic justifications for failing to uphold his word regarding layoffs.

According to IndieWire, an excerpt from a Licht written note to the company stated, “When we conclude this process, CNN will still be the largest, most-respected newsgathering organization in the world. We will continue to cover any story, anywhere, any time — with more resources than anyone else. Full stop.”

The only “full stop” appears to be funding for CNN employees that have been declared unessential almost overnight.

Many of these employees will find themselves jobless come December — in an economy they have attempted to portray as thriving for the last two years under an incompetent administration they helped defend.

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Jared is a conservative, Christian Minnesotan who graduated from the University of Minnesota with political science and history majors with his faith intact.

He has been successfully published by other conservative news outlets like “American Watchmen” and is an aspiring author.

"It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error." - Thomas Paine
