
German Election Ruled Invalid and Must Happen Again Due to Problems Similar to Arizona's Election


We tend to think of Germany as an orderly and efficient country, and we imagine that the Germans have everything in line and are more than capable of carrying out an election without a hitch.

Well, it turns out that the Germans have had their own problems with elections, and those problems sound eerily similar to those in the United States.

According to Breitbart, Berlin’s constitutional court ruled that the city’s 2021 Senate elections were invalid due to a host of electoral irregularities. The court has ordered that the election be conducted again within 90 days.

Among the long list of problems that led to this ruling are complaints relating to missing ballot papers, insufficient ballot boxes and polling stations being temporarily closed.

Opposition parties in Berlin, who feel that they were cheated out of a fair shot at victory, have celebrated the ruling. A spokesperson for the right-wing Alternative für Deutschland Party (AfD) claimed that the new election would be a “second chance” following the “election chaos” of the previous year.

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Does any of this sound familiar to Americans? It’s almost like we’re seeing this in our own country right now.

As a matter of fact, we are. Berlin’s problems sound all too similar to the election problems in Maricopa County, Arizona, where irregularities caused widespread chaos on Nov. 8.

One of the largest problems in Maricopa County on Election Day was the faulty tabulation machines, which often rejected ballots for seemingly no reason. In the Republican stronghold of Anthem, Arizona, this resulted in a massive line, meaning that voters had to wait over an hour to vote, often to have their ballots rejected by the machine.

Numerous videos have also emerged, appearing to indicate that possible mass illegal ballot harvesting was taking place in Maricopa County.

With this chaos on election day, it is no wonder that many in Arizona are calling for the state to redo the election, just like in Berlin. Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has even called for the election in Maricopa County to be carried out again.

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The thing is that, in America, we are told it is dangerous to draw attention to election irregularities, and that to even point out that they might be taking place is a conspiracy theory.

Trying to ensure that elections are carried out in a free and fair manner is now considered “dangerous.” Dangerous to whom, exactly? The leftists and their hold on power?

Germany, which is hardly a nation of right-wing conspiracy theorists, is willing to acknowledge that mistakes were made in their elections and they are willing to take measures to right those wrongs. If they can do it, why can’t we?

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This is not about who wins or loses the election, this is about ensuring that elections are free and that the democratic process is carried out correctly.

If we fail to do that, there will continue to be election irregularities and people will continue to question the results, no matter how secure the left claims elections are.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
