
Harris Faulkner Opens up on Prayer and Miracles in Her Life: 'I've Been Put Here as a Witness'


You might not have known that longtime Fox News journalist Harris Faulkner is a woman of faith.

Faulkner talked about her relationship with God in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network in November.

Her new book, “Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer,” features accounts from individuals who have experienced traumatic events, such as the 2012 theater mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, and the catastrophic 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

“I’ve been put here as a witness and in that role through the testimonies that I’ve collected, I learned how to pray better,” Faulkner said of her experience writing the book and sharing their stories.

“They tell their own — in their own words — in the book that it was through their fervent prayer and communion and relationship with the Lord that they realize that our spiritual, vital tool in the fight in a world that would want us to give up is prayer,” she said of the testimonies featured in the book.

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Faulkner is primarily known for her work in the world of news media, but there’s more to her life than politics.

“I think after the pandemic, and we all have individual struggles as well, but we’ve reached a point in our lives where we say, ‘Well, if there is a God who loves me, why are things going wrong?'” she said of the book’s premise in the CBN interview.

Faulkner has been featured in Fox News programming since 2005 and is one of the channel’s most experienced reporters.

In the book, she also shares her own experiences with prayer and her relationship with God.

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The veteran journalist recounts some of the difficult experiences in her own life in the book, including the death of her father.

“So I pray big with specificity, and my one prayer for everyone is that they open themselves up to the point where they can reignite the power of prayer and let bloom in their hearts the hope and unconditional, true unconditional love, that the Lord brings and be patient with him so that he can do mighty works in your life in His time,” she told CBN.

“Faith Still Moves Mountains” was published Nov. 15.

The book’s title alludes to a well-known passage in the Bible.

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“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you,” Jesus Christ told his disciples in Matthew 17:20.

Faulkner recounted some prayer advice she learned from her mother in the CBN interview.

“Don’t treat God like Santa Claus,” she said. “You have to be silent. You have to sit and be still, because faith still moves mountains.'”

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