
TV Host Goes Off-Script, Declares He's Done with Jab After Seeing 'Fit and Healthy' Dropping Dead


Australian television host Karl Stefanovic made a surprising declaration on Wednesday’s broadcast of the “Today” show: “I’m done with the vaccines,” he said.

Stefanovic was speaking with Dr. Nick Coatsworth about a recent notice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation — Australians are now eligible for their fifth COVID booster shot.

“I’m not a glowing ambassador for more than two shots. I’ve just decided that I’ve had COVID a couple of times and I’m done with the vaccines,” Stefanovic said. “There’s a big chunk of Australia that is done with it and there’s another chunk that is happy to keep having them.”

Stefanovic was once a strong supporter of the COVID vaccine, even appearing in a commercial promoting it.

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Coatsworth shared his thoughts on the likelihood of Australians taking a fifth dose.

“Given that only 4 out of 10 Australians have had the fourth dose, I think you can probably bet that the number getting the fifth will be less,” he said.

Stefanovic expressed further skepticism about the vaccine.

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“The other thing that I’m concerned about is that if I have another dose, I may get complications,” Stefanovic said.

“I’ve seen all these reports on the internet about fit and healthy people just dropping down with heart issues, and it’s still not obviously established yet whether or not the vaccine caused some of these heart issues. But that’s a worry for me, more so than getting COVID.”

Coatsworth acknowledged Stefanovic’s point about young and healthy people having heart problems.

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“I think the real worry for myocarditis and pericarditis is adolescent boys, and that’s why ATAGI’s come out and said no more booster doses for people under the age of 18,” Coatsworth said. “They are taking into account those complications.”

Coatsworth said he does not believe thousands of cardiac deaths are being swept under the rug and going unreported. He also believes the vaccines are safe.

“This is a safe vaccine. There are complications, but we know what they are,” Coatsworth said.

However, when Stefanovic asked if the newest booster is capable of fighting new strains, Coatsworth admitted that its effectiveness is limited.

“If you get a fifth dose, your protection against severe disease is enhanced for around about eight to 12 weeks,” Coatsworth said.

“And then it returns to what it was after the fourth dose or the third dose. So it’s very transient protection, Karl. It’s not increased protection for life. And that’s the problem with these boosters, and of course, eventually, we’re going to have to stop with these recommendations for ongoing boosters. “

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