
Watch What Happens When GOP Senator Drags Stick Along Creek Bed Near Ohio Train Derailment


The Biden administration’s repeated refusals to provide disaster assistance to residents in and near the site of Norfolk Southern’s train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, boggle the mind.

On Wednesday, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency released the results of tests it had conducted on the local water supply.

“These results show no detection of contaminants in raw water from the five wells that feed into East Palestine’s municipal water system,” the agency said.

“Test results from the combined, treated water from all five wells also showed no detection of contaminants associated with the derailment,” it said.

The state EPA concluded it was “confident” that municipal water is safe to drink.

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Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, a Republican, visited the area on Thursday to conduct a test of his own. The results showed a far different — and stunning — reality.

Vance dragged a stick along the bed of a local creek. Immediately, what appeared to be toxins could be seen bubbling up into the water.

“Hey guys, so I’m here at Leslie Run and there’s dead worms and dead fish all throughout this water,” the senator said in a video shared on Twitter. “Something I just discovered is that if you scrape the creek bed, it’s like chemical is coming out of the ground.”

Vance did so, and an oily sheen rose to the surface.

Does this water look clean to you?

“Just see that chemical pop out of the creek,” he said. “This is disgusting. And the fact that we have not cleaned up [from] the train crash, the fact that these chemicals are still seeping in the ground is an insult to the people who live in East Palestine.

“Do not forget these people. We’ve got to keep applying pressure. That’s how we’re gonna fix this problem. Thank you.”

The Ohio EPA said water quality sampling from the creek on Feb. 10 showed “very low levels of two contaminants, butyl acylate and ethyl hexyl acrylate … which dissipates quickly.”

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Of course, there were plenty of liberal useful idiots on hand who sought to carry water (no pun intended) for the Biden administration by discrediting Vance’s test.

“As soon as you put the stick’s tip in the water, it gave off HC trails,” one said. “Which means the stick was coated in it.”

Maybe because he already had put the stick in the water, Guacamole Dave.

Others shared videos similar videos on social media.

Many appreciated Vance’s tweet.

On Wednesday, Fox News host Harris Faulkner shared a clip of medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, who said, “I’m worried about down the line, vinyl chloride, small amounts of it in the environment leads to cancer. … Even small amounts of it in the environment can affect fertility for generations to come.”

This appears to be a major ecological disaster, and theadministration’s failure to respond appropriatelywill be a stain on Joe Biden’s presidency.

Vance provided a visual that all of us can understand. It’s clear that everything is not fine in East Palestine.

It doesn’t take a science degree to know something isn’t right.

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Elizabeth writes commentary for The Western Journal and The Washington Examiner. Her articles have appeared on many websites, including MSN, RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist and RealClearPolitics. Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Elizabeth is a contract writer at The Western Journal. Her articles have appeared on many conservative websites including RedState, Newsmax, The Federalist,, HotAir, MSN and RealClearPolitics.

Please follow Elizabeth on Twitter.
