
Girl Scouts Get a Nasty Taste of Biden's America as Their Annual Cookie Sale Runs Into Big Problems


Ask people what their favorite Girl Scout cookie is, and you’re likely to get a wide range of answers.

Ask people what their least favorite Joe Biden “thing” is, and you’re likely to get a wide range of answers.

Now, ask a Girl Scout what her least favorite Joe Biden thing is, and you’re likely to get just one answer: Those darned supply chain issues.

And while your mileage may vary on just how responsible the Biden administration is for these ongoing supply chain woes, it’s inarguable that, at the very least, this administration and prominent Democrats have done little to nothing to make it any better.

Everyday Americans were always going to face the brunt of that economic bungling, and there’s no better example of that than what’s become of one of America’s most enduring and beloved snacks.

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According to CNBC, America is in the midst of a severe Girl Scout cookie shortage — and it largely falls at the feet of supply chain issues.

The outlet reported Thursday that the Girl Scouts of the USA are “keeping all options open” when it comes to one of their baking partners, Little Brownie Bakers, as issues persist in the production of their iconic cookies.

“We are extremely disappointed that LBB is again having challenges with managing their production,” a Girl Scouts representative told CNBC. “We will address these issues with our baker partner in the future and we are keeping all options open to do right by our girls.”

Most recently, a power outage at the LBB factory in Louisville, Kentucky, has exacerbated production woes.

Do you buy Girl Scout cookies?

CNBC said the Louisville setback occurred “amid a series of production delays and problems that LBB has cited to the Girl Scouts since January” — which the outlet noted is typically the beginning of cookie-selling season.

Some cookies have become such a commodity that they’re being sold at a remarkable markup. The new “Raspberry Rally” product is being hocked on eBay for $35 a pop.

For the unaware, an individual box of Girl Scout cookies typically costs $5.

If you’ve bought groceries anytime in the last two-plus years, you’re painfully aware of the high prices that everyday Americans are grappling with these days.

And truly, is anything more emblematic of the economic issues afflicting the nation under Biden than this Girl Scout cookie debacle? It encapsulates so much of what the Biden administration has gotten wrong.

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As mentioned above, however, not everyone blames the Biden administration for this current economy and ongoing supply chain woes.

Those people should listen to Elaine Chao, who was labor secretary under George W. Bush and transportation secretary under Donald Trump. She told Fox Business last year that stifling inflation was the first key step to easing the supply chain crisis.

“The supply chain issue is linked to a whole host of policy decisions that have been made by this administration,” Chao said. “It’s an issue about inflation.”

Chao was hardly the only one to draw a line from Biden’s policies to the supply chain crisis.

Texas GOP Rep. Beth Van Duyne penned an opinion piece for The Hill in December 2021 blasting a different Biden policy for triggering this mess.

“When one of President Biden’s first acts was to pay workers to stay home, he began a domino effect, causing a supply chain crisis that will have repercussions for years to come,” Van Duyne wrote. “Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell recently stated, ‘supply chain snarls that have slowed deliveries and swelled prices throughout 2021 are likely to last longer than previously expected, likely well into next year.'”

Then, almost eerily — again, this opinion piece was written over a year ago — Van Duyne offered this analogy: “A year of [supply chain issues] is a death knell for your local bakery who can’t get the ingredients for their trademark treats.”

While the Girl Scouts of America are a far, far cry from your local bakery, the fact that Biden’s economic policies are crippling the group’s supply chain bodes poorly for bakeries and other businesses operating with fewer resources.

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Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics.
Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics. He graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He is an avid fan of sports, video games, politics and debate.
Class of 2010 University of Arizona. BEAR DOWN.
Phoenix, Arizona
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