
Letts: Employees Are Fighting Back Against Vaccine Mandates - And Winning


You would think that the people tasked with enforcing the law would know when they are breaking the law.

Apparently not in New York, where the New York Public Employment Relations Board has told the New York State Unified Court System it must rehire and provide back pay with interest to employees fired because of the system’s vaccine mandate.

The Public Employment Relations Board ruled that the court system has to stop enforcing the vaccine mandate and give anyone who “lost accrued leave, compensation or employment” back pay with interest “at the maximum legal rate,” the New York Post reported.

New York State Court Officers Association president Dennis Quirk told the Post the decision would affect at least 25 court officers, although Reuters reported last year that 103 employees were to be fired.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. We are seeing incidents like this across the country. Governments and businesses overreacted to the COVID pandemic, forcing employees to take an unproven vaccine or lose their jobs.

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A judge ruled in October that New York City sanitation workers should be rehired and given back pay, according to the Daily News. The city is appealing, but decisions like this are beginning to pile up in favor of the individual.

Employees are fighting back and winning.

The reason the court system was forced to drop its mandate in the first place was that a judge sued, arguing that being denied a religious exemption was a violation of his constitutional rights, according to Reuters.

The New York court system, however, continues to resist even in the face of what is happening. A spokesperson for the court system told the Daily Caller, “We are reviewing the decision and considering all further options including an appeal. … This ruling affects a bit less than 100 people.”

Are COVID vaccine mandates unconstitutional?

Another 100 or so workers resigned or retired after the vaccine mandate was enacted in September 2021.

The writing is on the wall with vaccine mandates. They failed. It is a case in which the “cure” was just as dangerous as the disease.

The longer organizations like the court system delay making things right, the more they will wind up paying, and as new information comes to light that shows how the truth about the vaccine was manipulated, it will only weaken their already weak position.

Judge Mariam Manichaikul ruled that the court system did not meet the criteria for taking “unilateral action in an emergency situation” because it failed to negotiate with the worker unions. Then, as employees resisted the mandate, the court system ended talks in December 2021 with neither an agreement reached nor an impasse declared and started enforcing the mandate. This violated the Public Employees’ Fair Employment Act.

You would think those in charge of interpreting the law and ruling on legality would have understood this.

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The next phase of this we will probably see is the employees who submitted to the vaccine suing as people “die suddenly” from cardiac conditions believed to be a result of the vaccine.

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Michael Letts is the founder and CEO of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship and fundraising programs.
