
Drollinger: How to Lead Your Family in an Easter Devotion


This week, I would like to provide you with an outline for leading an Easter devotional with your family. I encourage you to perform this important ministry function in your home.

It is critical to train yourself to lead your family spiritually for several reasons.

First, such is incumbent upon the husband. Being obedient to Scripture in this regard will bring down personal blessings from above. Secondly, it helps ensure that the faith is passed down in your family lineage. Easter is an important time for you to build your family culture. Thirdly, this is a sacred time to confer with your family.

Preparation for this special time begins with your invitation. When you invite your family and inform them of the time to arrive, mention the family devotion. By discussing this tradition ahead of time, people will not be surprised when you transition into this part of the day.

Give prior consideration as to how you will dress. Remember, how you dress should reflect the fact that you are God’s spokesman to your family — don’t take that lightly or discount the sobriety of your duties by sloppy dress.

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A good time to have devotions is after the main meal. As you circulate amongst your guests and invite them into the room that you have previously determined is best for this purpose, start setting the tone.

Be extra sensitive to making your guests feel comfortable. Help with moving chairs, bringing people coffee, and other preparations. Manifest a servant’s heart. Express your gratitude that you could all be together during this wonderful time of the year.

Praise your wife. Nothing is more important in the formation and stability of your children and grandchildren than for them to see how much you love your wife.

Speak personally and edifyingly into the lives of your family members. This will require forethought to build them up most effectively. Herein you are setting a long-term tone and culture for what you expect in terms of the interpersonal relationships among your clan.

Prepare adequate copies of Scripture for everyone. Ask your best reader to read the passages. This isn’t so much a time to exegete the passage as it is to open the Scriptures together as a part of your family tradition. The full study provides Scriptures that progress through the plan of salvation.

The hymn “He Is Lord” is appropriate to sing after 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 is read. Provide the lyrics on a separate page and make enough copies for everyone.

Reflect on the profundity that no other religious leader ever rose from the dead. This serves to prove the veracity of all that Jesus taught — and the singularity of belief in Christ for salvation.

Prepare beforehand your personal conversion story. Speak no longer than three minutes — no long recitation of every detail of your life, please. An effective testimony includes the following: your life before receiving Christ, specifically how you received Christ, and life changes since you received Christ.

You mainly want to model for your family how they too can receive Christ if they haven’t already. Share the gospel and apply it to their lives. Ask your family members to invite the Lord Jesus into their hearts — just like you did.

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Take advantage of the special warmth people feel at Easter, the power of having read the Word of God together, and your personal testimony as pillars to support your quest for their conversion. Don’t preach; rather, emphasize warmth and gentleness.

May God richly bless you as you assume your spiritual leadership responsibilities in your home. This is what God has called you to — and you need to serve your family in this way in service to him. Leading family devotions is one of the most important functions you will perform in life — with the greatest return on investment, I might add!

Lastly, it is common to feel woefully inadequate in this role (I still struggle with those feelings too). Ask God for strength. He will empower you — just wait and see what I mean! I’ll be praying for you, my friend.

Click here to read the full study.

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Ralph Drollinger, president and founder of Capitol Ministries, leads three Bible studies with political leaders every week. One on the Hill for U.S. senators and one for representatives, plus a weekly remote Bible study for state governors, former governors, and former White House Cabinet members and senior staff. Learn more at

Drollinger played basketball at UCLA under coach John Wooden and was the first player in NCAA history to go to the Final Four four times. Drollinger was taken in the NBA draft three times but chose to forgo the NBA to play with Athletes in Action, an evangelistic basketball team that toured the world and preached the gospel at halftime. Drollinger signed with the Dallas Mavericks in 1980 as a free agent, becoming the first Maverick in the history of the franchise.
