
'Seinfeld' Star Quits Twitter After Elon Musk Makes Minor Change to Actor's Profile


Former “Seinfeld” star Jason Alexander, who has not been relevant in popular culture since the show’s finale aired on NBC in 1998, quit Twitter Friday.

The actor explained he did so after his blue verification badge was removed following the platform’s decision to update its policies on who can be verified.

Whether the actor who played George Constanza on NBC for eight seasons intends to take his talents to Vandelay Industries remains to be seen.

But what was abundantly clear on Friday morning was Alexander was ready to leave Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s platform behind.

The actor was either unwilling or unable to pay the $8 monthly fee to subscribe to Twitter Blue.

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It is difficult to imagine Alexander can’t afford to remain verified, given how much he earned from NBC. In any event, Alexander said he was finished in a late-night tweet.

“Ok everyone,” he stated. “Twitter has removed my verification. I will no longer be posting on this app. Anyone who posts as me is an imposter. I wish you all well.”

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Why anyone would want to pose as Jason Alexander is beyond me, but the actor was apparently so concerned about it that he rage quit.

But like most leftists who “quit” Twitter, Alexander came back moments later with another tweet.

“One last- I’m on Spoutible and Insta. Take care all,” he wrote.

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It could be argued the country collectively sees enough of the actor late at night on reruns of “Seinfeld,” but perhaps some people followed him to other platforms.

If Alexander’s absence from Twitter is indeed permanent, users will no longer be delighted by unsolicited 17-tweet threads encouraging them to vote for Democrats.

It was clear many people wouldn’t miss him, as he was ruthlessly mocked after his announcement:

Will the world stop turning without the actor?

No, it will not.

At least the actor is a man of his word. Alexander did vow to quit last month in the event he was no longer verified:

Twitter will manage without Alexander’s hot takes about conservatives, vaccines and how great he thinks President Joe Biden is.

The platform has not crashed since he, Oprah, Kim Kardashian and countless others lost their badges on Thursday after Musk decided to remove blue-check verifications for legacy Twitter accounts.

The old system was vain and a bit revolting.

But Musk does have a solution to keep former TV stars and their ilk engaged. Celebrities who don’t want to pay for verification can be sponsored by common users:

Something tells me we’ll see Alexander back on Twitter soon enough — with or without the help of donors.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
