
'The View' Host Reveals She Would Not Vote for Biden in 2024, Asks 'Are You Tired of Losing?'


Alyssa Farah Griffin, the token “conservative” on ABC’s “The View,” said on Wednesday that she would not cast a ballot for former President Donald Trump next November if he becomes the GOP’s nominee.

Not even if it helped the country avoid another disastrous four years with President Joe Biden at the helm.

Griffin, who worked for a time in the Trump administration, said she would write in a candidate if the race ended up being a rematch of 2020.

For anyone who has had the misfortune of having watched the show throughout the last two decades, you know very well the ladies of “The View” are wholly out of touch both with women and especially with conservatives.

The network has completely abandoned trying to reach millions of conservatives by bringing someone to the table who shares their values.

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That was on display Wednesday after the show’s producers aired an ad from Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign.

In the ad, Biden portrayed the GOP as a sinister force that threatens books, women and elections.

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Biden has no accomplishments to run on, so he’s digging in on the culture war.

Meanwhile, the show also shared an AI-generated rebuttal ad from the GOP that showed how much pain and hardship four more years with the inept commander-in-chief might inflict on the country.

Co-host Joy Behar reacted to that ad by referring to Republicans as “Debbie Downers.”

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Being a wealthy TV talking head with no intelligence to note has apparently insulated her from the results of Biden’s policies. The lifestyles of everyone at that program have apparently kept them out of harm’s way.

That includes Griffin, who is supposed to represent Republicans on the show.

Griffin opined Biden’s gloomy ad signals to her that he is “chomping at the bit” to run against either Trump or Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — but then she agreed with the ad.

“He’s rightfully saying, you know, ‘Oh, they’re going to target LGBTQ individuals. They’re going to go after abortion rights,’” Griffin said. “The ad is written for those races.”

As she has in the past, Griffin pushed moderate Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who is not on the radar of primary voters but the co-host can’t stop talking him.

“I would pose to the GOP, are you tired of losing?” she said. “Because if Chris Sununu, for example, I know I hype him a lot, but if a moderate, middle-of-the-road person who wants to run on the economy, on inflation, on border security got in, none of those attacks apply. He’s not targeting them.”

Behar pointed out in her rebuttal that Sununu, in all likelihood, could not win the primary of a race he hasn’t even entered.

She then asked Griffin, who is again the show’s token Republican, who she would vote for in a rematch between Biden and Trump.

“I’ll never vote for Trump again. I’ve been clear on that,” Griffin responded. “I would tend to write in. I don’t think I should have to change my Republican values because two parties are putting up options that I don’t like.”

Fair enough.

Every election there are voters who choose the person on the ballot they believe is not necessarily someone they like but who best represents their values and positions.

But if Griffin is the conservative she claims to be, then deciding who to vote for next year in a 2020 rematch should be easy.

Trump had his shortcomings, but the economy was humming during his term, and there were no major wars or rumblings of escalating conflicts on multiple continents.

The point is that Griffin is sitting in a chair on “The View” solely to represent conservatives.

Supporting Trump’s White House bid, which Griffin has ruled out, is a mainstream position and not something from the fringe of the right.

But when pushed by her bullying, left-wing co-hosts, the woman could not even say she would vote for her party’s candidate. She collapsed like a cheap lawn chair and retreated to appease the leftists.

There are plenty of tough, intelligent women in the world, and most of them share values that are conservative.

ABC apparently did not encounter any of those women as it searched for Meghan McCain’s replacement. The network chose Griffin.

ABC had a chance to make “The View” watchable for millions of potential viewers by hiring someone who represents mainstream positions that millions of people hold.

But the country’s media and entertainment industries continue to dismiss conservatives in baffling decisions that ultimately only harm themselves.

No other major hire in recent memory highlights that better than that of Griffin.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
