
Op-Ed: How Ron DeSantis Can Fix America's Economic Problem


Recession. Recession. Recession.

On a daily basis, Americans are bombarded with gloomy economic forecasts. Negativity in the news headlines is par for the course. And, despite President Joe Biden’s hopes and wishes, a recession in 2023 or 2024 is indeed possible.

The reason is Joe Biden himself.

Bidenomics — a tax-and-spend regime unlike any other — simply doesn’t work, not when Americans are stifled by sky-high taxation and entrepreneurs are forced to navigate seemingly endless red tape. It turns out that trillions of dollars in new taxes — compounded with new regulations — don’t translate to economic growth or business expansion or job creation.

Biden’s economic agenda does nothing to spur private-sector activity; it only sucks the life out of it. And Americans shouldn’t expect circumstances to change anytime soon.

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Amid the persistent inflation eating away at people’s savings, Biden officials are busy creating the “White House Office of Environmental Justice,” pledging new policies to “end environmental racism” — whatever that means.

Unfortunately, Americans are past disappointment at this point. We have all learned to lower our expectations to basically zero. With Biden’s approval rating stuck in the high 30s, only one-third of Americans believe he deserves to be re-elected in 2024. Even millions of Democrats are off the Biden bandwagon after a disastrous first term.

In search of blame, Biden officials need only look at the economy they oversee. According to the most recent polling, nearly 70 percent of Americans are pessimistic about the country’s financial prospects — the highest percentage in nearly two decades. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that a solution to America’s economic problem does exist. Recession isn’t inevitable in the long run. Progress just requires a change in leadership.

The Democratic Party’s tax-and-spend policies have been tested time and time again, and they have failed every single time. Enough is enough: It’s time to throw Bidenomics on the ash heap of history.

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The way forward is the free market — it always has been and it always will be in the land of opportunity.

Entrepreneurship, job creation and business expansion are the necessary ingredients for economic growth at a time when recession is a real concern. As an entrepreneur myself, I know the power of the private sector firsthand. It has improved the lives of countless people in my life, including my own.

Only a change in leadership will shine the light of freedom on America once again. The man for that job is quite obviously Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has affirmed and reaffirmed liberty during a pandemic and during normal times.

For years, DeSantis has served as a small business governor who believes in the American dream, empowering immigrants and everyone else to experience prosperity for themselves.

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There’s a reason why Florida is the hottest state in the country. People are flooding here with their hard-earned capital, eager to live and work in a state where prosperity is paramount. Places like South Florida are booming, providing a viable blueprint for the rest of America. DeSantis calls it the “Florida Blueprint,” and he’s right.

If you’re worried about an economic recession, then do something about it. Hold your current leadership accountable. Change your leaders, starting with Joe Biden in 2024.

Then get ready for Ron in 2024 — I know I am. It’s time for Florida’s blueprint to go national.

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Joseph Semprevivo is the owner and manager of Joseph’s Premier Real Estate, partner at the Job Creators Network Foundation, and best-selling author of "Madness, Miracles, Millions." He is also the former state economic development commissioner of New Mexico.
